Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet there has been sustained pressure from two political directions to do so .
2 Birds of prey have been registered nose-diving at speeds of up to 1 l 0 miles an hour .
3 Third , the ‘ New English ’ settlers who had been given land by the Tudors in a number of plantations .
4 She 'd have been given help by the Lord Chancellor 's Department , and her costs would have been minimal .
5 The lighting and keeping of the hearth fire have always been given significance in human culture ; the Greeks named their goddess of the hearth Hestia , later to be replaced by the Roman Vesta , whose handmaidens were the famous Vestal Virgins .
6 I asked him how long he had been with the Republicans and he said , ‘ Three weeks — I 'm a sales manager and I 've been given leave of absence by my company just to produce last night 's rally . ’
7 We 'd just been given leave after the fiasco of Operation Eagle Claw , the so-called attempt to rescue the American hostages from our embassy in Teheran back in 1980 .
8 The pollution claims have been given credibility by the Colombian health ministry , which has declared a large area around the mind " uninhabitable " because of the accumulation of toxic waste .
9 It has been an open secret for several months that Hill Samuel was willing to entertain reasonable offers and several possible buyers have apparently shown an interest , but Brewin Dolphin is understood to have been given exclusivity in the negotiations earlier this month .
10 A piece of ham has been given pride of place in a butcher 's window .
11 ‘ But South Africa are a much better team than they 've been given credit for , and they are getting better with every match .
12 Well , he was more interested than he has been given credit for , and he had a wonderful collection of eighteenth-century English books which he gave to Trinity College , Cambridge .
13 Interviewed on BBC Radio 4 , Andrew Lees of Friends of the Earth declared , ‘ I have been given clearance by my Board to seek a judicial review … we are very serious about this issue and are going to go for it . ’
14 Paula Bale , the Fijian-born Canterbury winger who played for New Zealand in Suva last weekend and was in the All Blacks ' squad for the RWC Sevens at Murrayfield from 16-18 April , has been given clearance by the NZRFU to represent Fiji — proof , yet again , of what a farcical situation the present haphazard laws on international eligibility place the game .
15 Several Bosnian families have already been given shelter in this country until the fighting at home is over .
16 These general principles have been given expression in the further development of a vocational policy required by Article 128 of the Treaty of Rome .
17 In order , moreover , to minimize departmental opposition — which had been instrumental in neutralizing the impact of PAR and the CPRS — departments have been given discretion in determining the pace and nature of managerial change .
18 A clutch of companies involved in technology from the Soviet space programmes has been given permission for the first time to deal direct with foreigners .
19 JLM Projects Ltd have been given permission for a plan to build four houses on the site of a former Mission Church at Moor Crescent in Ludworth .
20 Nor would such a study have been given permission by the RUC , for it is utopian to expect police authorities in divided societies to open up these sections of their force to scrutiny and observation by outsiders .
21 For many years , no outside organisation had been given permission by the Vietnamese government to establish themselves in their country .
22 While those in Canada are pushed around , those on the other side of the border have been given permission by Washington to run bingo halls , the only legitimate gambling in the area .
23 A short report in the Financial Times for 19/20 December 1992 states that women who were sacked from a mushroom farm after refusing new contracts that they alleged had made cuts in their pay , had been given permission by the Court of Appeal on 18 December 1992 to carry out a leaflet campaign to persuade shoppers not to buy the farm 's produce .
24 The captain had been given permission by his superiors in Hamburg to sail for any port which would accept his passengers .
25 The opposition groups , ranging from social democrats and liberals to Christians , nationalists and anarchists , had been given permission by the Moscow city council and the USSR Council of Ministers to march after the official parade organized by the trade unions , apparently to pre-empt the holding of a larger unofficial demonstration which might have clashed with the official parade .
26 Friends of the Earth has been given permission by the High Court to pursue a legal case against the government over the level of pesticides in drinking water in the Thames and Anglian regions .
27 Russell Ferrante has been given permission by the High Court to ask for a second inquest into his son 's death .
28 The students had been given permission by Darlington council to unearth what they hoped would be important medieval remains in Clark 's Yard , Darlington .
29 For instance , the chairman of an Italian company that Morton acquired in the 1970s has been given responsibility for adhesives throughout the region .
30 Vista Chemical , the American subsidiary of the German Company RWE-DEA has been given responsibility for the worldwide marketing of linear alkylbenzene .
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