Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 They both knew that a loss had been suffered which had to be apportioned between them , but there is nothing to show that they had any idea , let alone conflicting ideas , of what the correct apportionment should be .
2 ‘ She was well known in Aspull and it had been said she had a heart of gold . ’
3 Prior to Miyazawa 's Korean visit fresh evidence had been uncovered which had caused public outrage both in Japan and elsewhere .
4 It was established that the camera had been working and a video tape had been made which had been viewed by the police officers in charge of the case .
5 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
6 They had been told they had NO chance of a refund after Tjolle declared himself bankrupt , even though he removed £400,000 from the company before it collapsed .
7 He had to wait until nine o'clock to telephone the garage , and he had been told they had no time that morning and would try to get down in the afternoon .
8 Melanie had been told they had come to live in a great city but found herself again in a village , a grey one .
9 Tact and discretion he had used , and he dared say that Dierdriu had been told who had been at the back of it .
10 Cypriot authorities had been told he had been smuggled from the country .
11 Grunte then asked them whether they had heard the one about the Norwegian woman who had bought her son three shoes , having been told he had grown a foot ; a sally which was met by universal groans .
12 It was a view , noted the SRU 's chief executive , Bill Hogg , at Murrayfield yesterday , which Ian McGeechan fully endorsed — the Lions ' and Scotland coach contending that where they had not been proved they had not , as yet , been disproved .
13 For long before my camera had been stolen I had noticed the unhealthy reliance people had on photographs , and their ability to take them , to make sense of what they saw .
14 In summing up the workshop all agreed that there exists no coherent government strategy for community economic development in West Belfast , but that an incoherent piecemeal patchwork of programmes and initiatives had been introduced which had only a superficial effect on the area 's social and economic problems .
15 From the clinical database of 75 trials held by Glaxo , who manufacture sumatriptan , 375 asthmatics have been identified who had been treated for 1214 migraine episodes .
16 After sentence had been passed he had been taken to the cells , then back to Dalston in a black van .
17 However , the results of an autopsy carried out by an Israeli and a US pathologist on Feb. 7 indicated that whilst Akawi had been beaten he had died as a result of a " cardiac insufficiency " brought on by a serious heart condition .
18 She thought , as what she said registered and he looked towards the couch , that he looked grateful , and wondered if he was vaguely remembering that the last time he 'd been plastered he had spent the night on that same couch .
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