Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 The company had therefore been properly served with English proceedings by an American museum in Ohio , but since the Ohio court was the more appropriate forum for the trial of disputes between the parties , the English action would be stayed .
2 The judge was satisfied , as he made clear , that they had been properly served with the proceedings throughout and no proper explanation of their absence was vouchsafed by their solicitor , who appeared at the hearing on their behalf .
3 But you can at least monitor their response on the graphic , via the LEDs , but there 's nothing to let you know that a program has been properly saved with the ‘ save ’ button .
4 His hopes of victory rose after a health authority QC appeared to concede , in answer to the judges ' questions , that regulations requiring consultations to take place had not been properly complied with .
5 The administration in the United States ( which had never formally recognized the incorporation of the three Baltic republics into the Soviet Union ) on March 12 ruled out such recognition until independence had been properly negotiated with the Soviet authorities , and it called on the latter to respect Lithuania 's declaration , and on all parties to avoid violence .
6 Older taps are likely to be the rising spindle kind ( see drawing ) , but these have been widely replaced with shrouded-head taps with non-rising spindles .
7 The Swastika has been widely associated with the solar orb and its motion across the sky , the right-angled movement of the design relating to the rising sun and the left-angled to the setting sun , and accordingly the summer and winter solstices .
8 Hair has been elegantly styled with height and volume .
9 These works were founded by Mr Joseph Wright , who had for many years been intimately connected with what we may call ‘ the system of locomotion ’ , having been a contractor for the conveyance of mails , and the owner of most of the coaches running between the Metropolis and Birmingham , and other large towns .
10 Plant down , with natural blood as an adhesive , is often used to form the design ; or ochre ( blood of the earth ) which has always been intimately associated with ceremonies of fertility , the invocation of rain , etc. , by tribal people in most countries , who , like the Aborigines , regard the earth as a living , breathing entity , its underground watercourses being seen in a similar light to the human arterial system .
11 This may serve to emphasise the effects of local sequence and structure on the dissociation parameters since those that have been rigorously determined with synthetic oligonucleotides are all flanked by short regions of alternating A and T residues .
12 Fanon makes a parallel point as regards racism , at the beginning of Black Skins , White Masks , where he states : ‘ I am talking of millions of people who have been skilfully injected with fear , inferiority complexes , trepidation , servility , despair , abasement ’ ( Fanon , 1968 ) .
13 In a soft shade of bisque , this classic collection of painted furniture has been skilfully finished with a fashionable and authentic aged look .
14 Worldwide there are now many millions of patients who have been successfully treated with ciprofloxacin either in hospital or as outpatients in general practice .
15 So far some 300 patients in the UK have been successfully treated with the collagen implant by plastic surgeons and dermatologists .
16 The Software Status Report ( SSR ) has been successfully updated with the information supplied .
17 The Liverpool tribunal heard that Mrs Mawdsley , of Southport , could not have children and that her sister Kimi had been successfully impregnated with her eggs .
18 This approach has been successfully used with a number of well known models of the UK economy , including the models of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research , the London Business School and HM Treasury .
19 In Israel , sewage treatment has been successfully combined with single-cell protein production ; the sewage provides the nutrients while the year-round high light intensities promote rapid algal growth .
20 Self-interest had been successfully combined with civilising and training slaves ‘ to the threshold of liberty ’ .
21 It is reported that the window blinds had been indecently defaced with coloured chalk .
22 Although Ian Clough and Hamish MacInnes had climbed Titan 's Wall in 1959 , it had been predominantly climbed with aid and was never really recognised as a free rock climb .
23 Distraught with grief and shock , rejected by her own mother and father , Melissa had been taken by the warm-hearted Craigs into their own home ; the small matter of illegitimacy had been discreetly dealt with by a statutory change of name and a wedding-ring , and the bereaved parents had found consolation for the loss of their only child in caring for his son .
24 He showed me the page of the book — the passage had been furiously scored with a pen nib .
25 Mrs Yardley 's was a plain sponge , but had been lacily covered with swirls and dollops and curlicues of golden buttercream icing dotted with candied violets .
26 In contrast , the counter-insurgency specialists had never been better prepared with schemes and theories .
27 By a notice of appeal dated 1 July 1992 M. appealed on the ground that at no time had he been personally served with either the committal order or a copy and that accordingly the order should be set aside .
28 A drop of the clear supernatant fluid was placed on an agar plate , which had previously been thickly planted with M. lysodeikticus , and the plate was incubated at 37°C. for 24 hours , when it showed a copious growth of the coccus , except in the region where the nasal mucus had been placed .
29 The floors of both vehicles had been thickly lined with straw padding and the blanket wrapped kids were settling down on it thankfully and in reasonable order .
30 Spatially orientated social science has been much engaged with epistemological questions which revolve around how what is , is to be explained .
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