Example sentences of "[been] [adj] [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been asleep when Carla returned .
2 In that moment Ludens felt sure that they were both remembering the scene beside the lake when Alison had been upset because Jack forced Ludens to behold him naked in her presence .
3 It was a no-win situation for the unfortunate air crews taking part , and it would have been understandable if morale had completely cracked at that time .
4 Growing deafer , moreover , as they had certainly not been deaf as babies .
5 It must be the influence of Jekyll and Hyde , which has been strong since John Barrymore grew long teeth and took to scuttling about dark expressionist streets , bashing and killing .
6 ‘ Had my wife — her grandmother — been alive when Rose was orphaned she would have given her what she needed — and never received from her own mother — stability — a moral code . ’
7 If he 'd been alive when Robert kicked up all that riot and rumpus , there 'd have been a different story , I can tell you . ’
8 Randi says that none of these feats would have been possible if researchers had followed his advice .
9 Films like Basil Dearden 's Sapphire ( 1959 ) , dealing with racial prejudice and mixed Marriages , and Victim ( 1961 ) , which cast Dirk Bogarde as a homosexual barrister who decides to take a stand against social hypocrisy , would not have been possible if television had not already put such issues on the agenda .
10 Because medical practitioners are either salaried or paid on a capitation basis they have no financial incentive to " overtreat " , and the competitive bidding-up of salaries has not been possible when pay and salary structures are nationally negotiated ( though this may change in future ) .
11 Sandys ’ proposed deployment of the Army might have been practicable if Afro-Asia had remained quiescent , and if the Army had been given the strategic mobility needed to compensate for its reduction in manpower .
12 These above-average profits depended to some extent on the Company 's political influence in England ; in India it was not powerful enough to control the market , but its charter gave it a monopoly in England which let it push prices up further than would have been practicable if non-members of the Company ( denounced as ‘ interlopers ’ ) had been able to import cotton goods into England freely .
13 Oz formed his face into a solemn mask that would have been funny if Jinny had not been trying to keep him happy .
14 But the reaction might have been different if Philip the Fair , rather than St Louis had been king of France at that time .
15 But would it have been different if Mrs Thatcher had had a spell on income support ? or if she had ever lugged a buggy , baby , toddler and bags of shopping on and off her infrequent , deregulated buses ?
16 Of course , it was a good toss to win and things might have been different if England had batted first .
17 How might the book have been different if Liebow had met someone else on that day at the ‘ carry-out ’ ?
18 But things might have been different if Brian had landed the job of England manager .
19 History might have been different if Cleopatra 's nose had been longer or Napoleon had been taller .
20 It may have been different if Arsenal were top of the table but they 're not .
21 ‘ My answer would have been different if Barry had upped and left to another club , but not the way it happened . ’
22 Such a condition was obviously inserted to encourage Cornishmen to make their contributions to the royal coffers , but its enforcement against individual landowners would appear to have been impracticable once disafforestment had taken place .
23 He led the way to the outer office , which had been empty when Shelley arrived , but where now sat a sylph-like creature with a cloud of dark brown curls , and very heavily made-up eyes .
24 After the battle a prisoner warned them : " For the present you have been victorious because God willed it ; but wait a month or two and you will see Menelik 's soldiers .
25 Yet Clark had known all along of the military preparations ‘ Musketeer I ’ and ‘ Musketeer II ’ and had been dismayed when Dulles seemed to have aborted them with his Suez Canal Users Club ; and after the Anglo-French meeting in London in September he had put out ‘ a dull communiqué , and no one has the least idea of what big things were abroad' .
26 The line has been unbroken since Edmund Peate , last of the Victorian lob bowlers , made his debut in 1879 .
27 Helen and Tony had been delighted when Helen became pregnant , but she had suffered a miscarriage in June and although always hopeful , had not become pregnant again .
28 The resulting brand of individualism thus contains a radical anomaly , affecting half of those present — an anomaly which , however , does not seem to have been visible until light was specially directed on to it by feminists .
29 What is quite clear is that after the death of Lanfranc the English monks felt free to assert themselves in ways that would have been impossible while Lanfranc lived .
30 Dr Myra Ramos , the associate dean of educational services , thinks that the sudden explosion of the new pathway would have been impossible if Tosteson had been too cautious in his original plans .
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