Example sentences of "for research " in BNC.

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1 It is intended both for those who want to do practical or legal work for human rights organizations , and for those who would find it an outstanding preparation for research degrees in Law , Philosophy and Politics .
2 Agassiz discouraged the use of books , except for research work .
3 Bequeathing a body for research
5 Instructions can be left by those who wish to donate their bodies for research , although these do not have to be followed by the executors .
6 These are the symptoms of a triumphant professionalism , which is sustained by the particular conditions of American academic life : the intensely competitive environment of the prestigious graduate schools , the free market in salaries which entices the superstars of the profession from one campus to another , the large funds available for research , journals , and conferences .
7 There will be two alternative clauses - one calling for a ban on research and one for research to be allowed up to 14 days .
8 All capital and operating subsidies to steel producers would be banned ; limited public subsidies would be allowed for research and development , environmental improvements , closures and redundancies .
9 It will campaign on support for single mothers and on care for the disabled , and pay for research into Down 's syndrome .
10 Lodge , who had originally planned a potentially sombre first-person novel about the mid-life crisis of a Brummie businessman , invented the Shadow Scheme as his cover story while following around an executive for research .
11 ‘ But they are understandably reluctant to pay for research students , because they will probably go off and join the competition .
12 According to the EIT , funds for research should rise to Ecu5m next year .
13 Meanwhile , France 's Minister for Research and Technology urged the two US winners of the Nobel Medicine Prize to honour Dominique Stehelin , a Frenchman who took part in the award-winning cancer research at the University of California in the 1970s .
14 As a starting place for research , secondary data can pinpoint areas where investigation should be carried out in further depth , and so can help to provide the direction and focus area for further research .
15 There are several techniques that might be used in international marketing research that would not normally be used for research into ‘ domestic ’ markets .
16 As a starting place for research , secondary data can pinpoint areas where investigation should be carried out in further depth , and so can help to provide the direction and focus area for further research .
17 Production plans — such as they are — call for five of the tube-framed , composite-bodied Parcours to be built next year for research , development and type approval , and for annual production after that to run around 100 cars a year .
18 If it were not human you would not want it for research and if it was not human no one would deny you having it for research . ’
19 If it were not human you would not want it for research and if it was not human no one would deny you having it for research . ’
20 STRONG support for research on human embryos up to 14 days old came from the Medical Research Council yesterday , which adds its voice to that of the Royal Society , the Royal Colleges , and the medical charities opposing a ban .
21 It is a sound maxim that you do not ask the barber whether you need a haircut , and if Prof Paulos is not a wholly disinterested party in matters of numeracy , you will certainly not expect Arno Penzias , a distinguished physicist and vice-president for research at the Bell Telephone Laboratories of AT&T , to be less than sanguine about the remorseless advance of information technology .
22 Nevertheless , they accepted the need for research into missile technology to go ahead in parallel with aircraft development .
23 For … well , I suppose for research and so on .
24 When puppies for research were raised in isolation in laboratory , it was noticed that the ill-effects of such rearing could be somewhat offset by cutting a window into the side of their box so that they could see out into the busy laboratory .
25 It is expected to contact the St Petersburg Institute for Research and Development of Biotechnical Systems , the whale 's owners , to offer a home to Brightness which , in commercial terms , is worth about £100,000 , excluding a premium for his fame .
26 In this paper , we shall review the relevant literature , including that from other applied social sciences , and show the operative implications for research and practice .
27 Yet the accuracy requirements for research are just as stringent as those relevant to routine monitoring .
28 The 1991–92 Hickinbottom fellowship for research in organic chemistry ( established as a result of a generous endowment from the will of the late Prof W. J. Hickinbottom ) has been awarded to Dr C. Abell of Cambridge University ( see below ) .
29 Green issues , say the report , are setting new objectives for research , development and manufacturing , particularly on the packaging front .
30 Because Janssen sell products in quantities for research and industry as well as for laboratory use , they offer packages in many different sizes … often as suggested by their customers .
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