Example sentences of "[Wh adv] she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever she said to him , ‘ But , Norman — do n't you want to sit in it , like other people ? ’ he would reply , rather grandly , ‘ A garden , my dear , is a place for passing through as quickly as possible on the way to the pub . ’
2 Whenever she walked in it , she imagined herself in a tapestry , a pale princess in a forest of thorns and roses , thick grass , starred with flowers , circled round by high walls of pink brick .
3 Whenever she came to the house with Peg she would look about with solemn curiosity , and her blue eyes dominated her wan little face .
4 Ruth 's conscience was troubled over Dick : not because of what they had done together — that had been wonderful and whenever she thought about it her body ached , her breasts tingled with longing to experience it again — but because she now knew , had known it from the day after he had brought her home , that he was not the man she wanted to marry .
5 Clare , who blushed with shame whenever she thought about it , waited anxiously for the result of her tests at St Stephen 's Hospital .
6 Flinging over in bed for the hundredth time , she tried to ignore the subtle , spreading ache in her stomach whenever she thought about Roman 's last hungrily demanding kiss …
7 A warm glow of pride settled itself whenever she thought about it — her own business ; she just wished her parents were still alive to witness it , and Mark , of course …
8 This wild , hectic , almost shocking excitement … a bitter-sweet , desperate longing that seemed to turn her limbs to water whenever she thought about Ross ?
9 Whenever she thought of Fergus Wolff , this empty battlefield was what she saw .
10 Whenever she thought of James Halden a shameful wave of physical longing washed over her until she remembered he had used her and discarded her .
11 All the way home , she practised the words she would speak to Craig Grenfell , she must tell him to leave , to find another place to stay but the feeling of emptiness that swept over her whenever she thought of saying goodbye to him brought tears brimming to her eyes .
12 Whenever she speaks of those days , it is with fondness and a smile .
13 So why , then , does her depression return whenever she ventures away-from home for more than a few hours ?
14 Whenever she fell off the vélo she sat where she was , nodding , fumed with wine and drowsy with heat , in a classical furrow , under a pale , bright sky .
15 Pete was in her form at school and whenever she looked at him little quivers she could not identify started deep inside her .
16 She looked on her body as an enemy , and groaned whenever she looked in a mirror .
17 Whenever she looked round the tall , robed figure was getting closer .
18 If she were her normal self she would be pottering happily around Simone , laughing whenever she got in her way and sticking her fingers in the food .
19 In All 's Well Helena goes up to verse whenever she talks of her love for Bertram , moving in and out of prose several times within a scene ( I.i. ; I.iii. ; II.v. ; III.ii. ; III.v. ) , in the flexibility that marks the mid-period plays .
20 Cos she does it and whenever she talks in drama she goes like that and so I go up and goes cooee , hello Donna , who , who
21 She then had to visualize walking slowly towards them , knowing that she could stop whenever she wanted to so that she did not feel that she was being compelled to go near these birds .
22 Her grandmother sniffed and her mother promised to send in a note whenever she needed to be off PE .
23 How does she manage to cry whenever she wants to ?
24 The profits grew and the bank manager began to smile at Carrie whenever she paid in the weekly takings .
25 ‘ You sound just like my old nurse , scolding me for not playing with my cousin whenever she stayed with us . ’
26 Whenever she appeared on stage or at TV stations she insisted cameramen signed forms preventing them from selling their pictures to these ‘ pirate ’ merchandisers .
27 It was n't that she had ever made a conscious decision to play the helpless female ; she just always looked as though she was in constant need of care and attention , and over the years she had found that it was far easier to allow people to think what they liked , because whenever she tried to be assertive , or explain that she was really quite competent , no one ever believed her .
28 He laughed whenever she spoke to him and clung to Dotty Blundell for protection , whirling her away on his arm the moment rehearsals were over .
29 She automatically crossed her arms across her chest , a habit she had adopted whenever she spoke to James .
30 The next example is an account of a teacher 's observation of children at play whereby she learns of the children 's own discoveries as they experiment for themselves .
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