Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He was pressed into the ranks of the northern army , ‘ whereby he might somewhat be instructed of the difference between the sitting quietly in his house , and the travail and danger which others daily do sustain' .
2 That 's how he 'll always be .
3 I had wrung out the Spidersuit and Y-fronts and hung them over a Bible suck thinking how He would just have to lump a bare arse on His books for one night .
4 He told him how much of his pay he had saved up for today , how he would personally kick him all the way back to Newmarket if he did n't win , how he was a big beautiful bastard that could n't fucking lose , could he ?
5 Elinor felt privileged to be one of his girlfriends for she was aware how little he cared for women and how he would sometimes wince when sitting next to one .
6 The Eastphalians and Engrians submitted without giving battle , and Charles retired to consider how he might best keep the Saxons under submission .
7 She wanted to cry and she imagined the tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping on to her jersey and how he 'd probably say that she should go somewhere else to cry .
8 ‘ Perhaps not , ’ Travis agreed , then said how he 'd dearly love to ring Rosemary at her parents ' home , but that he knew for sure that he could definitely give up even the frail hope he had left of sharing his life with Rosemary if he did that .
9 It also gives the PRO a chance to find out how he can best help that particular journalist , and the questions of background material , samples for photography or testing and in-depth features can all be raised .
10 One very distinguishable talent of Dickens is the way how he can so easily move from a very serious solemn scene to an extremely comical one .
11 But Jenny told him , without making any bones about it , how he could best say thank you to her .
12 How he could just sit there in that silence was the hardest thing I have ever tried to figure out .
13 I suspect that Pound never went further into Aubeterre than this inn , and one needs to have walked in his footsteps from Chalais to Aubeterre to see how he could well have done this , skirting the hill , stopping for perhaps a mid-day meal in the inn , and then pushing on at once for La Tour Blanche .
14 Yet each time that third line came round the tune seemed to gather itself up and find new energy from somewhere , and perhaps it did n't fall quite so far each time in the fourth , and Tabitha was captivated despite herself , watching the pretty man play and wondering how he would end it , how he could ever resolve the disagreement between the rush and the ebb , until she realized suddenly that he had , with a quiet , lilting little rill that ran up and then down and flicked its tail and was gone .
15 How he could ever have bowled legspin so successfully with his fraught temperament is a marvel in itself .
16 Yes , but will the Minister say how he could ever expect to balance exports and imports when the Chancellor has forecast growth of only 1 per cent ; when we have rising unemployment , falling investment and companies going bankrupt ?
17 Beside him sat a man of such immense proportions that Eddie Stratton wondered how he could ever fit into the seat that had been booked for him on the flight to Heathrow , scheduled to leave in forty minutes ' time .
18 He had the added confusion of not knowing what he wanted to be and when an ambition did dawn , not knowing how he could possibly achieve it .
19 Comment was made this morning , er earlier on by Mr Timothy about the fact that the new settlement would be likely to generate a higher usage of transport than is the norm for Greater York , if I understood him correctly , erm , knowing the public transport system in Greater York , erm , I fail to see how he could possibly come to that conclusion , because bus services in the rural part of Greater York are very poor , clearly that 's partly because of the distribution of the rural population , and I fail to see that a settlement of the size being suggested would actually generate a level of usage of public transport any higher than that which ex already exists in the York in flat , and certainly no higher than exists within the exis existing urban area .
20 How he will now speak of the methods used last weekend by the security services could become clear in the next few days .
21 Therefore instead of walking all the way along the cliffs that morning , he decided to go down to the beach on the last lap of his journey , knowing that Edna and her small charge could well be at the far end , from whence he could quickly scramble up the pathway to the Tremayne property .
22 ‘ I 'm just sorry that he 's had this problem at a time when he would surely have had the chance to establish himself in the England side .
23 At delivery , he bought another ten index futures for delivery at the end of the year , when he would otherwise have liquidated his share portfolio .
24 When she began to unbutton his shirt he stood , paralysed , staring at the slack flesh round her stomach , he shivered and she took it for excitement ; he had dreamed about this , waiting for the moment when he would instinctively know what to do , would take control , but instead she was rubbing against him with a cool professionalism that unnerved him .
25 Times when he would absentmindedly lay his hand on her shoulder , or stroke a wayward curl from her cheek .
26 His custom in his latter years was to attend here at all on Sunday mornings when he would occasionally the sermon being preached by one of his curates or his nephew , Reverend .
27 Although the genitor-lover had no legal or economic rights there were certain public festivals when he would publicly make small token gifts to his " wife " as evidence that he intended the relationship to continue .
28 Already he was worried about their stores lasting until the Saturday when he might reasonably claim a few shillings to tide him over ; Emily 's mother had given them a box of stuff , sausages , bread , some tea , butter , bacon — but it would have to be spun out .
29 Frankie had learned to prepare in advance for those days and nights when he might otherwise go hungry .
30 Constable II received a fine of 40&shilling. and the loss of his additional good conduct increment under Police Regulations 58 and 61 of 2/6d. per week until such period of not less than one year , when he might again satisfy his superiors of his zeal , efficiency and truthfulness …
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