Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i [vb mod] do " in BNC.

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1 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
2 ‘ Though I do n't know how I 'll do that as she does n't have a telephone . ’
3 I do n't know how I 'll do it , but I will . "
4 I knew exactly how I would do this and explained in some detail , finding Alec Reid equally fascinated .
5 It is sometimes easier to proceed on the basis of : ‘ If I were doing the job this is how I would do it ’ , but this can be delusory even for analysts who have past experience as operators .
6 But I expect that you all want to know how I could do it — how I could have walked in and scooped up this yummy young man from the arms of his loving and lawful wife .
7 God knows how much there still is down there ; I 've seen great stacks and bales of it still with the Royal Navy markings on it , and I 've dreamed up any number of ways of getting at it , but short of tunnelling in from the shed and taking the cordite out from the back , so that the bales looked untouched from the inside of the cellar , I do n't see how I could do it .
8 And it gives a rudimentary account of how I can do this .
9 Ah just er how I used to do years ago
10 ‘ That 's when I 'll do my thinking about Sal and Julia and the days I shared with them . ’
11 He said : ‘ This is a time when I can do a lot for my ranking .
12 Please note that I can not undertake to reply to individual queries from readers however I will do my best to answer questions from readers through the medium of this column .
13 Please note that I can not undertake to reply to individual queries from readers however I will do my best to answer all questions from readers through the medium of this column .
14 There were occasions where I 'd do a whole solo and be totally satisfied with it and then Max would go , ‘ Well , this one section here is a little bit late … ’
15 I du n no what 's wrong with me , why I would do that .
16 But there is no issue for which simply to deduce from socially prescribed principles combined with factual propositions would be anything but a mechanical conformity ; I know why I should do the prescribed thing only if , at least at my moments of fullest awareness from other viewpoints , I feel moved to do so .
17 Besides , I did n't see why I should do everything myself , and said as much to Mala , tersely .
18 Although we have a joint account , he is the one who has taken it into overdraft and I do n't see why I should do as he suggests .
19 well you do n't have to have any but I do n't see why I should do without because you do n't want any
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