Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I 'd played their records I 'd be dancing around me room , and to dance onstage to the music you like is just f—ing awesome .
2 He answered at once , ‘ Whenever I 'd found the hole in the floor .
3 I remarked on the truculence , boorishness and dishonesty which I had encountered , routinely , in the hotel and in restaurants ; indeed , whenever I had had dealings with anyone in a public capacity .
4 ‘ Everyone who asked how I 'd done the lighting , I told them . ’
5 I 'd had a stable home at the price of her martyrdom and this was how I 'd repaid her .
6 I could n't really assess how I 'd handled Ali .
7 Wanted to do an article on how I 'd built the company from nothing .
8 I thought of how I 'd stood
9 This is not how I 'd imagined it , I thought ruefully .
10 I felt helpless in the face of my own infantile bad temper and sulkiness ; I could remember exactly how I 'd felt when I was six , and somebody was trying to cajole me into doing something I did n't want to do … in a minute , I thought in some recess of my mind , I 'll be stamping and shouting , " Wo n't ! "
11 I thought about how I 'd walked around all those weeks and what I 'd felt about him and the crazy things I had found myself believing .
12 I told her the brutal truth — how I 'd tried to buy a love-nest for us and got involved with the wrong property men .
13 I do n't know how I 'd dared drive down them narrow roads
14 I explained how I 'd attempted to fire at the Corporal as Kaptan lay on the ground and how the gun had malfunctioned ; it would be more accurate to say I 'd been first to aim but the Corporal had got his shots off first .
15 That was how I 'd got used to it , at any rate , ’
16 I did n't get difficult when I drank but I often could n't remember where I 'd been or what I 'd done or even how I 'd got back home .
17 I thought it a bit off that she 'd never asked how I 'd got her pendant back .
18 That was how I got remanded in custody when I was only fifteen .
19 So that 's how I got involved .
20 That was how I got started .
21 Well me , oh , how I got started singing , it was really just I did n't sing very much really .
22 How I had despised his brutishness then , and how I longed for his toughness , his uncomplicated , animal certainty now .
23 I then told them about the apparition , how I had seen someone walking down the shed and then suddenly disappearing .
24 I told him about Frankland , and how I had seen the boy with the food .
25 I looked at Robert 's painting , reflecting how I had spoiled my life : a life that I had muddied and bloodied and ruined .
26 I thought of his sweetness in sitting beside me all night , and of the shadows on his face in the morning , and how I had gone off without telling him I loved him .
27 This was not how I had imagined the conquering of my childhood dream peak , and I was muttering and tutting under my breath as I clambered up towards them .
28 They had heard how I had prevented the King from destroying all their ships .
29 I would n't let myself think how I had hoped to marry Nour and the happiness I had anticipated .
30 By the end of that apprenticeship … well , a tacit acceptance would depend on how I had conducted myself in the meantime .
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