Example sentences of "[Wh adv] she [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 Child has a tantrum whenever she does not get her own way .
2 He had repeated , over and over again , what Gigia had said , of her humiliation before Ellen Wilson , of how she had not even seen Oreste .
3 She remembered how she had n't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib .
4 Mrs Browning said much the same to her , observing how she did not join in when Garibaldi 's victories were being discussed nor did she rejoice .
5 And something about how she did not speak the French of France because she was from Martinique , and how she was n't rich and she was n't chic .
6 How she did n't choke on the blatant lie , she had no idea , but she did n't .
7 ‘ Who are you trying to kid ? ’ he taunted , and somehow he seemed to know , though how she did n't know , that she had been within an ace of responding to him .
8 Yeah , so how she doing not good ?
9 But a reply of no would be an invitation to A to explain why she is looking for Ann , or why she does not know where she is .
10 But she 's no children , why she does n't want to actually ?
11 why she does n't erm this is the first , this is it is it ?
12 He sometimes wondered why she had n't thought of that .
13 She drew in her breath at the simplicity of it , wondering why she had n't thought of it before , and it excited her so much she put forward the suggestion without stopping to think if it was wise .
14 ‘ I thought that was why she had n't phoned lately .
15 Afterwards , she wondered why she had n't asked more questions ( Where are they now ?
16 Liz thought he looked appalling , and wondered why she had n't noticed it before .
17 Betty asked her why she had n't remembered to bring a torch .
18 She could n't think why she had n't thought of that before .
19 Confronted with Donna 's exuberant wardrobe , she realized there were only two courses open to her : either she took it on the chin ( ‘ straight spine , old girl , ’ ) , or she slunk away and refused to answer the phone when Donna called to see why she had n't been met .
20 I thought at the time she sounded a bit over anxious to explain why she had n't told us before , but it was n't long before I knew why . ’
21 It was one more reason why she had n't ever wanted to see him again .
22 She was in a fairly emotional state , in that she 'd known nothing about the wedding , wondered why she had n't been told , and demanded the time and location of the ceremony .
23 Isabel wondered why she had n't thought of using the laundry gate herself , before she realised that it would have been kept locked .
24 She wondered why she had n't noticed the quiet before now .
25 She 'd known he 'd think that and that was one of the reasons why she had n't wanted to get into this conversation in the first place .
26 Training to be a doctor had n't left too much time for socialising , and maybe that was another reason why she had n't suspected that Paul was one of those rare people dogged by obsessive jealousy .
27 She wondered why she had n't seen any signs before this moment .
28 Now that he 'd told her , she could n't understand why she had n't recognised him right from the start — she 'd seen the article , had even marvelled at the way the photographer had managed to capture those dark , brooding eyes .
29 It would be the same for Rory — she 'd always known she 'd give her heart only once , and that was why she had n't played the love game with the same reckless abandon as so many of her contemporaries .
30 Questioned about why she had not sought help immediately after the alleged attack , she said : ‘ I had just been raped by a policeman , and I did not trust no police after that . ’
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