Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 So trained were these beautiful animals that they would trot from their stalls whenever they heard the fire alarm bell .
2 A recent research project has certainly proved that a large number of very young babies would stop crying or even go to sleep whenever they heard the introductory music to certain television soap operas .
3 Unionists did though make war service a main plank of their electioneering whenever they had the chance .
4 As was the case under the previous law , there is no power to ban specific as opposed to classes of marches , or all marches , and a proposal to the effect that there should be such a specific power was rejected , on the grounds that it would place the police in a situation where they would be subject to allegations of political motivation and partiality whenever they exercised the power to seek a ban on a particular march .
5 Earlier this year , the Association des Amis du Musee du Chateau at Savigny-les-Beaune effected an exchange whereby they gained the Ouragon for restoration and the Aero Club gained a freshly-restored Mystere IVA on a specially-built ‘ tripod ’ .
6 They then negotiated a new contract with the sellers whereby they bought the goods at a price considerably less than the market price — the price being depressed because of the sequestration order .
7 How they killed the pig ?
8 Most women were more cautious and conscious about how they spent the household 's money but about half were just ‘ living from week to week ’ , struggling to meet their financial commitments with every penny of the weekly budget accounted for .
9 We heard from the few local women who did attend how they took the law into their own hands and arranged regular supplies of contraceptives from the North .
10 But the view of both sides in this debate hinged upon how they viewed the so-called law of primitive socialist accumulation .
11 His original idea was to appoint four peers , which is how they acquired the nickname ‘ overlords ’ .
12 Just before she died , Claire and her mother Helen spoke of how they hoped the transplant would give Claire a new lease of life .
13 she was one of the first anyway , so er , but it took a long time before she had them , five years ' wait , and she said , that , at the last attempt she said to her husband that 's it now , if it does n't work this time , that 's it , I 'm not having any more attempts , that 's it definitely , and they had that successfully and that 's how they had the twins , so they 're her children , they are their children , it 's just they were fertilized outside the womb , in a glass dish it 's fascinating i n't it ? she said it 's really fascinating I can assure you I said oh I can see
14 What Dilys Powell missed when she described The Wicked Lady as a concatenation of ‘ the hoary , the tedious , the disagreeable , ’ as did other critics who saw Gainsborough 's films as a reassertion of an old escapist tendency in British cinema , was how much of an advance such films offered on everything of a similar sort that had gone before , and how they touched the sentiments of audiences who could no longer respond to stories of gallant endeavour quite as they could when it seemed that defeat was an imminent possibility .
15 She then contacted any other service-providers who appeared to be involved with the client , to ask them what help they were providing , and how they saw the client 's needs .
16 The essence of what the popes required of the emperors and how they saw the imperial office is enshrined in the imperial oaths taken at the time of coronation and in the prayer at the conferment of the sword .
17 They both told me how they enjoyed the sport , in which they could compete on equal terms with the able-bodied .
18 At the same time , our own responsibility to be aware of our actions and how they affected the less developed countries should not be overlooked .
19 We see the move from monophonic to polyphonic practice and the changes in the musical and poetic styles and how they affected the size of the performing forces .
20 The purges have proved to be one of the most hotly debated topics for historians because , due to the harsh censorship and killing of many opponents of Stalin , there is a lack of opinion and primary sources which show how they affected the whole country , and nobody could read Stalin 's obviously warped mind to find out his reasons for this holocaust .
21 We must now look at these hamlets : when they originated , how they developed and how they managed the landscape .
22 TWO police officers who plucked a drowning two-year-old girl out of the River Thames told yesterday of how they thought the youngster had died .
23 The tomb shows how the aesthetes of the age of Safdarjung liked their gateways to be as ornately sculpted as their prose was purple ; how they preferred their onion domes to be overextended and tapered ; how they thought the interior of a tomb incomplete unless covered with a rococo riot of elaborate plasterwork .
24 The Whig and Tory groupings had come into existence over a particular crisis , and although that crisis was not about just one issue — Exclusion — it was the case that the parties polarised over how they thought the crisis could be resolved .
25 A little is known about the way the duns and the chapels with their carved slabs were used in medieval times but hardly anything about how they regarded the earlier standing stones .
26 A little is known about the way the duns and the chapels with their carved slabs were used in medieval times but hardly anything about how they regarded the earlier standing stones .
27 Two pupils from Macmillan College in Middlesbrough showed Mr Fallon how they used the CDRom to search for the latest information about the fall of the Berlin Wall , the construction of the Channel Tunnel , and pollution in Teesside for their school projects .
28 And that 's how they screwed the the roof on with those .
29 But they did have a very clear idea of how they wanted the house to look and resigned themselves to living with the mess while they tackled it room by room .
30 Remember how they whitewashed the pigsties before they 'd let their men sleep there ?
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