Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact it had been open for some time already as had half a dozen other places within easy walk because America believes in man 's inalienable right to eat whenever he is awake .
2 ‘ It 's a task in which I stand ready to join John Major whenever he is ready to begin , ’ he said .
3 How long that might take we 've no idea — whenever he is ready I suppose .
4 Mum had told him that whenever he was good she liked him but that when he was bad , she did n't .
5 His own duties appeared to be limited to joining his patrons in a drink whenever he was thirsty , which seemed to be often .
6 Couple this with the subtle change in image ( from naked half-man , half-mutt on ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ to a grey suit ) and you have the beginnings the funky sojourn Bowie was about to embark on — which would , of course , peak with ‘ Young Americans ’ and crop up again whenever he was short of a few ideas .
7 Couple this with the subtle change in image ( from naked half-man , half-mutt on ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ to a grey suit ) and you have the beginnings the funky sojourn Bowie was about to embark on — which would , of course , peak with ‘ Young Americans ’ and crop up again whenever he was short of a few ideas .
8 Ali sees in this attempt by Hacihasanzade to induce Kemalpasazade to accept a kadilik an example of a means whereby he was able to maintain himself in the office of kazasker ( first in that of Anadolu and then in that of Rumeli ) for twenty-five years .
9 Uncanny sometimes , how he 's able to anticipate exactly
10 How he 's supposed to tax and insure it and run it ? have said !
11 ‘ The horse appears fine after the fall , but we 'll see how he is later in the week before making a final decision , ’ said Balding .
12 ‘ I do n't know how he is supposed to have made it from Carluke to the bar in Motherwell if he did kill the girl at the time it was said he did .
13 Gregson had called immediately and Houghton had explained about the fingerprints and how he was sure he now had positive identification of at least one of the bodies .
14 Even as she offers her diagnosis , she very touchingly envelops it in a renewed insistence on how he was still , in 1935 , ‘ passionate and austere , :
15 Whether it was to share his moment of regret at the passing of time , or to express disillusion with Parkin himself — she had made some comment in the car about how he was one of the few television reporters she knew and respected — Dexter did not know .
16 He described how he was shocked when she returned home with a gash above her eye and ‘ blood all over her face and clothes . ’
17 on his front , yeah , that 's how he was asleep last night
18 One wonders how he was capable of sustaining his own sexual performance .
19 Tried to remember how he was supposed to feel .
20 Quite how he was supposed to stand up for himself when he was tied up in a wicker laundry basket which had been left under a running shower was another matter .
21 She ignores me , whining about how he was supposed to meet her at the Bullet 's Head .
22 I once asked Kalchu how he was able to tell his cows one from the other , and how he was able to distinguish his own from other people 's .
23 I once asked Kalchu how he was able to tell his cows one from the other , and how he was able to distinguish his own from other people 's .
24 How he was able to do this is a mystery , for he never seems to have been paid by Lowther , not even for the necessary expenses of entertainment called for by an election campaign .
25 ‘ One of our pilots , Bill Topper , who I am glad to see is with us today , took part in this raid tells how he was able to listen to the crew of a Lancaster chatting away on their intercom as the RT transmit button was down , I understand their conversation not only included details of their local pub , but the name of the target ahead .
26 Will the Secretary of State explain how he was able to commission a review of teaching methods in a matter of a few weeks , although his minimum standards — first laid down in 1981 — were not met in the 10 years that the Government allowed themselves , and the current review will not now report until the autumn ?
27 It may explain both why the fourteen-year-old King played a prominent part in the negotiations at Mile End and Smithfield , and how he was able to avoid mob vengeance after Tyler 's murder .
28 It 's ( more or less ) official : Ken Olsen was pushed into resigning by the board : the Wall Street Journal hears of a meeting with employees at which Olsen discussed how he was unable to make the necessary organisational changes at DEC , in particular failing to get engineering groups to report to marketing , and then said ‘ that 's why I was fired ’ .
29 During yesterday 's emotion-charged appearance on Granada 's This Morning show , Keith — a self-confessed workaholic who has n't had a holiday for eight years — told how he was terrified by his situation and the impact it might have on his career .
30 Well , 'e become top scorer o' centuries when 'e was 42 and went on to 197 of 'em before 'e retired at 51 .
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