Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i [vb mod] get " in BNC.

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1 At last , she said , ‘ I 'll visit you regularly , I promise , whenever I can get away .
2 Not only did he tell me all the train times I needed to know ( without so much as a sigh ) , he also found out how I might get from Elstree station to the BBC studios .
3 ‘ In fact , I do n't know how I 'll get on without you . ’
4 I do n't know how I would get on without them now .
5 There are lots of other places I would like to visit — Vienna , for the music , would be high on my list but I do n't know how I would get there .
6 I casually wondered how I would get out if a bomb went off down at ground level .
7 ‘ That wo n't be a problem , ’ I told him with bravado , though I had n't a clue how I would get hold of the balance of the cash .
8 ‘ Each and every one had a different idea about how I should get rid of the dog , ’ Anabelle told him .
9 And I was thinking awful things — like how I could get my revenge … ’
10 Now I would be calling a solicitor to see how I could get it dissolved on the best possible terms .
11 I did n't want to wear glasses , and I was thinking how I could get out of it but finally they brought in a bunch of pairs of glasses and I was trying them on in the mirror , and I tried on a pair and I thought , ‘ Gee , these do n't look too bad ’ .
12 I think about how I could get dressed up and go out somewhere , for a couple of hours , and just leave it all , because I get so sick of it sometimes …
13 So I could not see how I could get away .
14 It was broken already so I glued it up , just had a look at it see how I could get it , its broken it again .
15 Do you have any suggestions on how I can get them to budge ?
16 If I ca n't get promotion on the basis of all the hard work I 've done for the organisation over the last five years then I do n't know how I can get it .
17 I turn around to ask her if she knows how I can get home .
18 It goes right into there , and I was staggering all day , you know when I would get up ?
19 I guess his leaving coincided with my dad stopping taking me to Elland Road so maybe I 'm just been sentimental for the happy days when I could get a parentr to pay for the tickets ! !
20 On several of the meres I fish I can tell to within a few minutes when I will get bites .
21 I believe I have calmed down a bit but there are still times when I will get booked . ’
22 Instead of having to come home from work and worry about wrapping up the Christmas presents , or writing letters to friends , or having a long conversation with someone in the family who needs a bit of support , and fitting all that in after the children have gone to bed and the supper 's been washed up and you really ought to be reading papers for tomorrow 's meeting , I know I have a chunk of time when I can get on with doing all that .
23 Weekends , when I can get away , I suppose .
24 In the past when I used to get less money in my wage packet I used to start crying at once .
25 Well see when I used to get
26 Perhaps you might even know where I might get some made .
27 Then I 'll call a district meeting where I 'll get other branches together erm shop stewards and that , and I 'll pass this information , I 've let them know there 's such a thing as .
28 I would also like , and I know this is where I 'll get problems I would if we are gon na try and get the kids into a routine over them doing their work I think the easiest routine for them to have is that you do you , you get , you have your lesson you do your homework that night and you hand it in the next day .
29 I wonder where I 'd get that vinegar from ?
30 And this is where I used to get pain .
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