Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adv] [noun prp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It wants to see how badly Gates needs RISC and what unknown concessions he 's willing to make before making any commitment .
2 Indenbaum knew how badly Modigliani needed money so he tried to offer him a sum within his means for the beautiful oil , but Modigliani was offended and obliged Indenbaum to accept the portrait as a present .
3 I could sense how badly Foo wanted the Eddie .
4 I was not aware how badly Eddie had been injured , but understood that he was comfortable ; this information came much later .
5 She had driven herself on and on , trying to keep her thoughts painless , trying , without success , to think of anything except how badly Luke had hurt her , how easily he had destroyed her life .
6 There are no excuses , no matter how badly Mandy behaved .
7 How discreetly Kun plays them .
8 How fiercely Emilia had insisted on it .
9 She had not yet learned how greatly Brian exaggerated his financial problems in order to keep her in line .
10 However , a telling indication of how greatly Anderson values his negative face is visible in the reduction in the level of politeness he uses when Hollar asks him if he will smuggle his thesis out of the country .
11 He remembered how fondly Jane had said farewell after her anger had abated , and the memory made him lift his hand to see , in the first creeping light of dawn , the small smear of rouge that still remained on his forefinger .
12 That is how highly Paul rates the unity of the Christian Church .
13 Now that did surprise me , knowing how highly Pa rated it , as a machine .
14 At the A.G.M. , the committee meeting that followed and at the Annual Dinner that evening , contributions for Judith 's leaving present were asked for and it very quickly became apparent how highly Judith had been regarded .
15 That was how much Adam appreciated the beautiful old house he had had the unheard-of good fortune to inherit at the age of nineteen .
16 No matter how much Signe varied the speed , Harvey 's hand was up there providing a wall against which her hand smacked , until he snatched his hand away and she toppled into his arms .
17 But I am sorry to say that , however alert Ivy 's attention was and no matter how much Herman admired Brenda Bruce , they seemed to miss the point .
18 But , no matter how much Steven made his camera swoop and glide and giddy-up around the sets , he could n't stop them from looking like boring old panto scenery , especially since the galleon never put out to sea ( which would have been too mega-expensive ) , and the Lost Boys ' camp was crammed full of Starlight Express -style skate-boarding tracks .
19 Clip the coupon and we 'll reveal the full picture of how easily Ultratone gets you into shape — and into fashion .
20 Someone , I thought with illumination , who knew how easily Olympia had died from hands round the neck .
21 I know how desperately Wright wants to be looked upon as the natural replacement for Gary Lineker , and this is one of his problems .
22 Oh yes , but but look how quickly Marie sold hers .
23 well look how quickly Richard learnt to operate my video , got to have the child lock on it now all the time
24 ( Amazing how quickly BR abandoned its scheme to close Marylebone when a scheme popped up to turn it into a kind of Victoria Coach Station for northern routes ! )
25 She was amazed at how quickly Carla seemed to get over what had happened to her .
26 How early Pound came by this perception is not clear , but certainly he had no illusions from the first that his Cantos , building as they did on the rhythmical and thematic procedures of Homage to Sextus Propertius , would be found readily acceptable .
27 Scheilenberg waited , desperate for a cigarette , but aware also of how totally Himmler disapproved of smoking and then the door opened and Rossman appeared with another man .
28 How joyously Talich embraces the outer sections of this piece , and how movingly he draws out those long , yearning melodies in its middle episode .
29 Camille knew how earnestly Constance contrived to avoid trouble , having had enough , what with one thing and another , to last her a lifetime , as she often remarked .
30 How nearly Wordsworth echoed Pearl in his famous elegy on ‘ Lucy ’ :
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