Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] 're [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Powerglyde can also be used with a standard plug-in timer to automatically open and close your curtains at certain times of the day , giving you added security whenever you 're away from home .
2 Well whenever you 're well I wan na clean that oven .
3 There 's never any spaces behind Clifford 's Tower so I do n't know how you 're just telling me fibs are n't you ?
4 I was just dropping off to sleep and you know how you 're just thinking , yeah , mm what are we gon na do this weekend , and all of a sudden , Ben 's legs went and kicked me really hard , and I thought oh my God something awful 's happened , and you , you really do , you move a lot .
5 ‘ But how you 're ever going to convince anyone else that 's what happened , I do n't know … ’
6 ‘ Tell me once how you 're really feeling , ’ David said , ‘ and then I will leave you in peace . ’
7 And that 's how we 're here — you and me .
8 A little man turned up Friday afternoon , after they got home you know how we 're very susceptible to these market research types ?
9 And I like how they 're always half dressed .
10 You know how they 're always shouting at me because I hit them too hard ?
11 The thing that really pisses me off is the hypocrisy — these guys all rant on about how they 're so shat upon because they 're black but it 's OK to shit on women .
12 That 's how they 're so rich .
13 You do n't know when you 're well off .
14 If you think of what you do on a holiday , it 's a totally different lifestyle to when you 're normally working and obviously people desire to have that sort of experience more and more , and you 've got the rise of things like short breaks .
15 you need time off in the day when you 're physically resting to him .
16 Ah you see , that 's when you 're over twenty one , that 's what happens .
17 SUMMERCHILD : No , I m thinking about when you 're simply … well , happy …
18 Even if you 're not parked on a yellow line , the police can imagine you 're travelling at forty when you 're just doing thirty and so on .
19 A a as I say er i it takes a bit of getting used to when you 're just making a meal for yourself , you know what I mean you 're you 're that used to carry 'em about and picking after 'em and
20 and yet , in fact , that 's the time when you 're most vulnerable yo , it 's time of puberty , your
21 ‘ Do you keep that watch on London time when you 're away ? ’
23 As little control as I have where you 're concerned , I 'm not such an animal that I 'd deny you a peaceful night when you 're so obviously in need of one .
24 But you 've put the finishing touch to my Christmas , Linda , coming over and sparing the time when you 're so busy .
25 What I 've you know when you 're like given a plain axis and I have to decide what to put on the sides I I 'm sometimes a bit
26 Cos that 's the most frustrating thing about fishing is when you 're like you know , you could be wasting that , you , you think to yourself like I could be wasting a whole , there 's not a fish anywhere round here !
27 Cos loads of us are gon na be getting back into like evenings when you 're really tired .
28 ‘ How will you know when you 're there ? ’
29 and the theatre must know when you 're actually going to see the , the show
30 You see the the the other thing there is when you 're actually doing reviewing and stuff yo yo you you do I know review er profiling
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