Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [adv] seem " in BNC.

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1 He had been thinking , as he frequently did , of pain , and of how it almost seemed as though Rogal Dorn had singled him out for special benediction even before the Primarch 's germ-plasm had been introduced into his body …
2 how it almost seemed real …
3 Funny how he never seemed to meet girls …
4 ‘ Perhaps that 's why I never seem to have any , ’ she added in a more resigned voice .
5 Rose of Lima herself did not write her memoirs , or anything else , so her subjective understanding of this painful phenomenon is not really known ; what is known is that she offered her life explicitly for the conversion and salvation of those suffering people — one of the reasons , obviously , why she later seemed an appropriate patron for the New World .
6 ‘ I ca n't understand why you always seem to be in such a tearing hurry ; why do n't you just relax for five minutes and sit down ? ’
7 ‘ So that explains why you 're always so tense when I 'm around and why we always seem to end up bickering ? ’
8 He is , in fact , a rare surviving embodiment of those long-vanished ideals of the 1950s , when it briefly seemed that University English might provide a terrain where all these practices could converge .
9 ‘ There were times when it certainly seemed to be more important than our marriage . ’
10 Over the weekend , when it still seemed possible that Baldwin would resign in the next few days , Sydney Arnold and Lees Smith advised MacDonald not to take office , on the grounds that a Labour Government would be bound to fail and that the party would then be ‘ overwhelmed ’ .
11 This is the kind of frame from which Dorothy Heathcote often ( increasingly ) wants children to work , and this is why it often seems to be the case in her work that the pupils are not in role at all — they are merely required to look at something from a particular scientific perspective .
12 Perhaps this persistent whiff of the past is why it actually seems more European — more like the Algiers of Camus 's essays than Algiers itself .
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