Example sentences of "[indef pn] could [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 But Huxley condemned Vestiges as meaningless verbiage and was unwilling to support the basic idea of evolution unless someone could show him a natural mechanism to explain how the process could work .
2 When one day nobody could rouse him from his trailer , it was Lee Marvin who entered quietly and found a sombre , lonely , sad man .
3 Nobody could help him .
4 Do n't misunderstand me , he was a brilliant chemist ; nobody could touch him with the theory .
5 Anyway , it seemed nobody could touch him when he was ten ahead but he was playing with Kel Nagle , and ever since 1960 Kel had been a bit like Arnold 's bogy man .
6 With his head turned his face was close to hers and he would stare right at her , maybe thinking nobody could see him in the dimness , or maybe not caring if they did .
7 It would be lovely he said if somebody could give him a ring .
8 Well that 's something somebody could get him .
9 His handwriting was so bad that Mr Sunderland had pinned his composition to the notice-board in the hall so everyone could see he was the worst writer in the whole school .
10 ‘ We 're honoured to have you ladies in our humble premises , ’ he said , so that everyone could hear him .
11 It seemed nothing could stop him , but there was still that chance of losing it to be overcome , and sure enough it came .
12 But nothing could stop him now .
13 If his luck held , nothing could prevent him using it .
14 Nothing could persuade him to confirm or deny .
15 Nothing could cheer him up .
16 Smooth-haired , bright-eyed , immaculate , with the merest hint of a woody , masculine fragrance about him , he looked as if nothing could faze him .
17 No-one could label him ‘ collaborator ’ , and a wide spectrum of the population began to look to him in the chaotic aftermath of the Japanese defeat .
18 He knew he ought not to mark the books really , but it was only a tiny mark in pencil and no-one could accuse him of defacing library property , not really , it would n't do for an ex-library committee member to be caught defacing library property now would it .
19 No-one could accuse him of having a truly awful game at Windsor but we still await the ‘ big one ’ from Michael on Ulster soil .
20 Then it follows from that that understanding Shakespeare and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive is also a good because if , for example , this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no-one could see him and no-one could understand him , and no-one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
21 Then it follows from that that understanding Shakespeare and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive is also a good because if , for example , this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no-one could see him and no-one could understand him , and no-one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
22 But anyway , we created that whole idea that no-one could photograph him , no-one could do do a story on him unless it was going to be a cover story , which was outrageous because he was virtually unknown in America .
23 ‘ He swirled his black necromancer 's cloak about her , and he carried her from the Sun Chamber and out through the great doors , and out into the night and none could stop him .
24 One could tell he was a man who had come a long way , and who intended going a great deal further .
25 Finally , he swore and said she was a bad wife and if another woman of greater warmth came his way , no one could accuse him of adultery in taking her .
26 Whatever you thought of Hugh , no one could accuse him of running a ‘ tight ship ’ .
27 For the rest of the night the rain cascaded from the verandah roof , but the Collector paid no heed to it … he continued to mutter urgently to himself , thrashing weakly , possessed with the vehemence of a strange inner life where no one could reach him .
28 Thomson 's son poured so much money into The Times in the vain effort to modernize it in the late 1970s that no one could blame him for wanting to sell it .
29 He 'll never see me while you are here and no one could blame him , for you are so lovely .
30 No one could make him stay at school .
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