Example sentences of "[indef pn] which [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 You stand in the bath and paint the affected areas with something which kills them .
2 Seneca , the Roman author and politician , claimed that men travel ‘ … because they are tired of soft living and always seek after something which eludes them ’ .
3 They might have a bad past but they 've got something which saves them .
4 They might have a bad past but they 've got something which saves them .
5 When they were n't trashing their equipment ( something which kept them occupied deep into the Seventies ) , they were trashing each other .
6 She smiled at them again , and one of the young men leant towards his companion and said something which made them both laugh .
7 If Catholics get something which makes them happy , then Protestants must have lost something .
8 The use in the emperor 's reply of the expression verba precaria is revealing , for it shows already a tendency to treat precatory words as characteristic of trusts , as something which sets them apart from the dispositions of the civil law .
9 And if our drama is to be at all dramatic we 'll need to put those people in a difficult situation , one which confronts them with choices .
10 ‘ It is a unique paper , ’ he says , ‘ and it is held in such affection because , no matter where Ulster people are , it is the one which keeps them in touch with ALL the local sport , whether its football and rugby or darts and pigeon racing . ’
11 Development Policy towards women in less developed countries has changed from one which saw them only as mothers , to a more holistic approach which emphasizes both the productive and reproductive roles of Women .
12 Moreover , traditional family networks not only offered the elderly relative a place , but one which gave them an important and respected role within the family group .
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