Example sentences of "[indef pn] that is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Corinthian philistinism , more real though less notorious than Theban , is part of something deeper and more disturbing : she had no ideology to offer , nothing that is like Athenian paideia or Spartan agoge , ‘ culture ’ and ‘ discipline ’ respectively .
2 In short , nothing that is in the process of development or change , strictly speaking , can be claimed to be numerically the same as long as this process lasts , for existents are individuated only by their full life-cycles .
3 This large and increasing number of old , and very old , people will contain a high proportion of individuals who have either no family setting and connections , or at any rate none that is of practical relevance to their way of life .
4 The Moon and everything that is on our planet 's surface mutually attract each other .
5 He will say : ’ If you adjust your ear to everything that is on the radio , then of course you 're going to say it has no feeling .
6 It is not possible to accept the belief that ‘ God pervades everything that is to be found in this universe down to the tiniest atom ’ , and not at the same time accept the idea of universal brotherhood and the essential unity and equality of all earthly creatures .
7 I will be watching both of you closely and I will want to see everything that is to be published . ’
8 ‘ We 're just basically taking everything that is around us in our environment and society and making people aware of it . ’
9 One is identical with everything that is in Nirvana ’ .
10 Everything that is in my head , everything that I feel ; the fact that the natural world thinks nothing and neither laughs nor cries . ’
11 Everything that 's conscious is in the ego , but not everything that is in the ego is conscious .
12 ‘ A print of the right kind is not simply something that is worth money .
13 Erm , I I think we will encourage er , people with dependants to play a more active role in the er , business of this council and in , I think it is something that is worth er , considering and it is worth carrying forward .
14 The peasant , for instance , who wishes to sell his avocados or pots in the local market may need a licence to do so , something that is outside the realm of the usual activities of a peasant , especially an illiterate .
15 The failures in the Savings and Loans industry are something that is of global significance in terms of public interest .
16 Being able to put a name to a subject is something that is beyond the capabilities of any current computer system .
17 It would be a new tax , involve paying for something that is at present free and would hit hardest at low-income car-owners .
18 I have prefaced this last thought with the word " ideally " since I know it is not something that is at all easy to achieve .
19 Important to this analysis is the fact that the electoral prospects of democratic governments are substantially dependent on the overall performance of the economy , something that is at least partially under business control .
20 ‘ There 's also , particularly in the United States , this sense that if something is on the body , it is less important than something that is on the wall ’ , says Martin .
21 O K , I want to before we , we go any further , to let us have a look at something that is on this agenda which is called commercial awareness .
22 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
23 A similar success for the IRA or any Loyalist terrorist was , he said , ‘ something that is on the back of your mind constantly , but it does n't always affect you .
24 It is socialisation that transforms ageing into something that is to be feared , and leads us to believe that older people are to be pitied .
25 Well well clearly that is that is er that is one of the the the elements nevertheless , something that is to be ignored lightly .
26 Secondly , it 's very easy to amend and edit an OHP foil and , finally , they can be copied and distributed to the audience — something that is near impossible with 35mm slides or projected video technologies .
27 Instead of exhorting virtue , the government might try to do something that is in its power , about inflation .
28 The symbol EVOKES or CALLS TO MIND or TOUCHES something that is in our subconscious , asleep in our memories .
29 The purpose of the project is to transform this potentially extremely valuable research resource into one that is of actual benefit to scholars working in the field of German studies by making its contents accessible .
30 He can not , however , investigate a complaint that is already subject to court proceedings , one that is about a State social security benefit or a dispute that is more appropriate for investigation by another regulatory body .
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