Example sentences of "[indef pn] that seem [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And everything that seems to happen to me
2 A normal family life , he repeated to himself , and smiled almost wanly at the thought of something that seemed destined to elude him for several years to come .
3 But it was n't something that seemed to worry Belov .
4 You know , you 're sitting there with these guys , you 're looking for something to do , there 's a pile of instruments and you grab something that seems to fit .
5 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
6 The acceptance of a bottom line , something that seems to have been singularly missing in the British negotiating stance , will provide its own discipline .
7 As Daphne said this there flashed into Cecilia 's mind that conversation with Tina , that terrible thing Tina had said , and another thought , one that seemed to swim up out of the deep waters of her unconscious , the idea that she , Cecilia Darne , yes , she , had once long ago met the right girl , and here was that right girl talking to her now of something , oh , so akin to what Tina meant …
8 He paused , then from the back took one that seemed to have got separated from the rest .
9 She turned to Nicolo , who smiled and held a glass out to her , one that seemed to have caught the rays of the dying sun .
10 Against such a background a child may well develop a troubled reaction , and one that seems to lack sympathy with adult bereavement .
11 The only one that seems to have used his sense in this situation was the dog . ’
12 One that seems to work well for many managers is merely to divide up the list into three types of activity :
13 Whole tribes of proud and even magnificent people have at times sat down and died for no other reason than that their ancient culture has been exposed , even briefly , to one that seems to belong to a superior order .
14 Anything that seemed to offer an explanation of why a vastly less productive society had brought off this breathtaking achievement Was not dismissed but welcomed . ’
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