Example sentences of "[indef pn] that [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing that had happened recently had caused her pain , she told herself adamantly — anger certainly , and annoyance in abundance , but not pain .
2 ‘ You said you had nothing that had belonged to your father ! ’ he accused savagely .
3 But I repeated them in Ezra Pound. : Poet as Sculptor , and nothing that has come to my notice since , including an erudite and adulatory article on these cantos by David Gordon in Paideuma 4 ( 1975 ) , has made me want to retract my words or change my mind .
4 Nothing that has happened in Czechoslovakia or in the wider world since that time has diminished the willingness of the Czechoslovak people to accede to this wish .
5 Even if progress is slower than expected , and it may not be , nothing that has happened so far gainsays General Colin Powell 's claim after six days of fighting that the allies , unopposed in the air , are systematically dismantling Saddam Hussein 's ability to wage war , and doing so at remarkably small cost to themselves .
6 ‘ We shall regret nothing that has happened now . ’
7 Nothing that has happened in the recent cases provides any reason whatsoever for people who are liable to pay the community charge failing to do so .
8 Nothing that has happened in some recent cases provides any reason for people who are liable to pay the community charge failing to do so .
9 And nothing that has happened to us since then … neither our separation , nor misguided , foolish pride on both our parts … nothing can ever change or alter my deep love for you . ’
10 ‘ Anna has suffered a great deal already , yet nothing that 's happened has been of her making .
11 A. T. With the strike having taken place , everyone was jockeying , everyone that had sat for Sergeant and passed their exams , the only way they could see to get promotion was to report another man .
12 and you find erm people like Lynn you know , bless her , who now , who is n't too bad when she 's not too bad and is n't too good when she 's not too good , you know , and it is such a very very Not only can you not put anything visibly in in common with everyone that 's got it , even the people that have got it ca n't say I can not do this period , they say oh well I 'm not too good now but maybe last week or maybe next week
13 As I say , nowadays I get the information from you over the phone , and then when we 've got somebody who said Oh no , it 's only a small flat , I 've got this this and this and that 's the big pieces of furniture , er if it 's somebody that 's done it on spec I say Well look give me a ring back in an hour if er when you 've come off the phone you er there 's something you 've forgotten .
14 Even when you 're ringing them , you know somebody that 's got two parcels a week , they 're sort of thinking , why are you ringing me .
15 I I 've got to say that it 's somebody that 's got a personal project that has done it in one force ai n't it .
16 Aha , er somebody that 's overdressed .
17 I mean Southgate 's all the more pleasing when you think he 's somebody that 's worked his way up , right ?
18 As Amina Okada , the author of this book points out , there have been numerous publications on Mughal art but none that have concentrated on the individual artists .
19 She was still in shock from the assault and everything that had followed when that evening she went on impulse and rang Rosemary 's doorbell .
20 Thomas Carter came right out and told you that he thought England was the only truly civilized country in the world and that as the most English of English cities , Oxford was its heart and soul , the core of everything that had formed us , the repository of our values and the guarantor of our standards , an expression in stone of our whole Western civilization , a cultural Stonehenge which , etc , etc .
21 As they clung together in that unutterable pleasure , he felt that they were defying everything that had persecuted them .
22 Everything that had emerged from the reaction to the two consultation papers it had produced ‘ confirms our view that we are on the right track .
23 The first stage of Dawn 's training was to make her sit on my fist properly , which meant getting her used to people , and to wearing the jesses and swivel and everything that had caused Barny to go berserk .
24 She assumed that , having had time to think things over , he was going to come back with the decision to tell Marc everything that had led up to this crazy engagement of theirs .
25 What was said tongue-in-cheek was received as confirmation of everything that had gone before : the Prince of Wales was seriously out of his tree .
26 But North himself , on the point of abandoning the operation , begging to be moved on ‘ to other things ’ , made plain the point of everything that had gone before : ‘ Wd very much like to give RR two hostages that he can take credit for . ’
27 Still , they were better than everything that had gone before .
28 1984–87 — house music and the electronic transformation in Chicago of everything that had gone before .
29 He was acutely aware of everything that had gone on in front of the then roaring fire .
30 One sees on such maps the new landscape actually in course of being planned , and can see how completely it was drawn afresh , regardless of almost everything that had gone before .
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