Example sentences of "[indef pn] of the same " in BNC.

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1 to remember that teenagers normally go through the phase of being attracted to someone of the same sex .
2 In the absence of an analysis of heterosexism , heterosexuals can ( and do ) reduce our gayness or lesbianism to just living with someone of the same sex , thus enabling them to remove the possibility of challenge from our relationships with them .
3 The experience made me deeply grateful that nothing of the same kind , at least with current technology , can be deduced from prose .
4 None of the same calibre , I mean .
5 When he gives evidence , sitting for the most part on two cushions , he leans forwards attentively like a headmaster , and with something of the same terrifying effect .
6 Something of the same quality of camp horror is to be found in The Blob ( 18 Braveworld 25 Oct ) , a remake of the 1958 B movie about a mysterious substance that eats people .
7 Something of the same librarian 's desire for accuracy seems to have afflicted Gainsborough 's later nods in the direction of costume melodrama .
8 I felt something of the same awe and excitement I had experienced four years before when tramping round and round Warwick Gardens with Chesterton , debating the execution of Charles I. Here was someone who ought to have been a member of the Society that G. K. C. had dominated at St. Paul 's from 1891 to 1893 .
9 The image , of course , centres around the fact that faith and doubt have something of the same curious relationship as health and sickness .
10 In less formal fashion , something of the same can now be seen in the modern American city , and this development could be , and one can doubtless say will be , greatly extended .
11 There 's something of the same blankness of effect , too , in Ismail Saray 's white sheet hung against red , the white perforated with large burnt holes .
12 Something of the same emotional patterns are evinced by managers through the metaphors and myths of management which they carry in their minds .
13 I never got good enough ( or brave enough ) to test her advice out , but , being by inclination an optimist , I would like to think that something of the same logic would apply to the National Curriculum and its tests .
14 Something of the same quality can be detected in Jane Rosen 's work .
15 Something of the same special place of ‘ retreat ’ for art , especially literature and painting , is to be found in Foucault .
16 Something of the same territorial influence can be detected in other counties too ; in the East Midlands , the spheres of the Dukes of Rutland and Devonshire were rarely challenged .
17 He was therefore as vital a figure as Salisbury , and in something of the same way : Salisbury was the link between the anti-coalition forces outside the government , and Law was the link between anti-coalitionists outside and critical Unionists within .
18 " Taking a spouse for granted " — in which , perhaps , something of the same reason exists — was listed by 7 per cent in respect of women and 21 per cent in respect of men ; how many men , once their wife 's attentions are taken up by child-rearing , leave them to get on with it and follow their own devices ?
19 An impressive university department might be staffed with the established academics who have lately confessed , in print , to basic doubts about the validity and purpose of English literary studies ; and it is hard today to think of any branch of formal literary study that does not reflect something of the same malaise .
20 She could n't get out of the pit , but somebody knew she was there : her therapist gave her something of the same feeling but was far from being as much fun .
21 For a time he showed a certain curiosity about Liszt and something of the same kind about Wagner .
22 And she walked out of the room with something of the same wary insistence on normality .
23 Charles was about the same age as Richie and had something of the same military bearing .
24 Similarly , er we have actually er taken something of the same attitudes towards windfall sites within the urban areas .
25 Something of the same analysis can be applied to capitalism .
26 A six-footer behind some-one of the same size in the driver 's seat would have to sit in a splayed knees/bent neck posture .
27 On 4 June , the day the Dunkirk evacuation ended , he wrote to the Chiefs of Staff : ‘ if it is so easy for the Germans to invade us … why should it be … impossible for us to do anything of the same kind to him ? ’
28 If you ca n't buy these little black olives in Soho , at least avoid the great brownish ones sold in most delicatessen stores ; they really have n't anything of the same character .
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