Example sentences of "it together " in BNC.

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1 Nor is there much point in attempting to give a general impression of a show , as there is nothing to hold it together , unlike a group show with a programme or a manifesto to consider .
2 We do swear — ’ He paused , and a murmur followed him with some clearer , harsher voices audible amongst it : ‘ We do swear — ’ He went on : ‘ Never to swerve , ’ and they said it together , ‘ Never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — or this oppressive Act .
3 If that is what is intended , the objector would say , then constructivism is nothing more than a kind of behaviourism ( another attempt to replace the mental by the behavioural ) ; or perhaps we might lump it together with Marxist attempts to ‘ resolve ’ the mind-body problem in terms of ‘ praxis ’ .
4 At Bridgend he looked in despair , and he almost admitted as much : ‘ I hope we can pull it together but sometimes I have my doubts . ’
5 6 October , 1835 FELIX MENDELSSOHN writes to his family from Leipzig : ‘ The day after I accompanied the Hensels to Delitzsch , Chopin arrived here ; he would not stay more than a day , and so we spent it together entirely , and played music .
6 But there 's no real logic to hold it together .
7 Yet , take an accident like that hair in the gate , put it together with the coincidental gaze of a ghost , and it 's as if Fonda really has come back to life .
8 When I had completed a two hour programme my friends came to my home and we saw it together .
9 We can move it together , ’ he told the annual meeting of his flagship Bond Corporation .
10 He used to tape everything — every conversation , every telephone call , everything — and we put it together into a play .
11 It was a wonderful show , ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ , but it was n't practical for a tour so we all thought that if we got the Broadway experts to put it together , it would be the best thing possible — but it was n't .
12 The car has made it that way and it would be almost impossible for public transport to knit it together in the way that the railways did in the nineteenth century .
13 I just did n't put it together . ’
14 The attempt to hold it together at gunpoint may succeed only in blowing the Soviet Union apart more violently .
15 If he produced a book about once every five years , he could pretend to have been working on it all that time , even it he had cobbled it together only in the last two or three months .
16 After all , they were all in it together .
17 And because I had only one chair , we used to sit on the edge of the hard , narrow bed and draw up the table so that we could write on it together .
18 Put it together with the talk after the first battle , and add to it the understanding of the ark as the throne of God , as the visible guarantee of God 's presence with his people , the symbol of his covenant relationship with them , as their wedding ring , we might say , and you have then something to explain the consternation of Eli and the wife of Phinehas .
19 Although it is of course true that people can be greatly helped by having the opportunity to talk about their impending loss , ( both their worries about it and their wish to talk about it together with the person who is dying ) this must be when the time feels right for the people involved and not when the helper , professional or lay , deems it appropriate .
20 The old farmer 's daughter had donated it together with the notebook the farmer ( and his father before him ) had kept of his sales and receipts .
21 ‘ It was very muddled because she 'd pieced it together out of bits of gossip picked up here and there .
22 If we all bashed it together we could do in that door . ’
23 All kinds of attics have been raided to bring it together and it provides a sharp view of our Royals .
24 Once you have chosen , ordered and taken delivery of your kit garage , all that remains is to put it together , and here you have several options .
25 Taking account of the views of parents , employers , teachers , pupils and the recommendations of the Higginson Report , we will establish a five-subject A level and bring it together with technical qualifications into our new Advanced Certificate .
26 I came home towards the end of March 1944 , in time for Leslie 's twenty-fourth birthday , though we were not able to spend it together .
27 The man in the street accepts that all French politicians are in it together and , as a result , charges of corruption seem not to be followed up , even when they are as spectacular as the current scandal concerning the dirty financing of President Mitterrand 's election campaign in 1988 .
28 In many places this molten material was then injected into the fractured rock formed by the thrusting movements , and later , when it solidified , a veinwork of pseudotachylite occurred throughout the gneiss , ‘ welding ’ it together and eventually producing a resistant rock which , in some areas , gives rise to higher hills as at Eaval in South Uist .
29 ( ii ) They should be shown how to locate material from a range of sources , eg subject-specific reference books , adult encyclopaedias and databases , how to select material by deploying the appropriate reading strategy , how to evaluate it and how to draw it together into a coherent package .
30 Part of its working was the recognition of sheer necessity ; as the old empire disintegrated , the tiny forces of the embattled Soviet republic could not hold it together .
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