Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] has [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Jacqui Rogers , Continuity PA , explains how she has to observe every scene and check everything matches up from one to the next .
2 Now , to what extent could one move in that direction using a computer , which is a rather precise and definite sort of object that wants to know exactly what it has to do and how it has to do it ?
3 that 's because , you know , I 'm better than everyone else so that 's why everyone has to see wha everyone , everyone has to hear what I 'm saying
4 Clearly there is a range of similar applications such as warehouses and supermarkets where someone has to go around checking stock and then enter the data into a computer .
5 She 's as poor as a church mouse , that 's why she has to come to Arthur and Margot 's in the holidays . ’
6 She is extremely well behaved , and travels everywhere with me — to open days where she has to cope with lots of people , visits to playgroups to teach the children how to approach a strange dog , friends ' houses , talks I give , dog clubs and work engagements .
7 Honestly , I do n't see why one has to bother .
8 How can they expect their leader to devote his energy to attacking the Tories when he has to spend time dealing with his own rancorous , ill-disciplined colleagues ?
9 And granddad does n't li want people to see him sort of you know when he has to get up and walk about and go to the loo with the door open and I mean it 's not so bad for us because we 're all related but it 's awful for You know I mean I ca n't imagine Jody or Jessica or Alison or anybody liking it very much .
10 In practice however he has to comply with it , because , if he does not , that fact is evidence against him and , if he does , he has a complete defence .
11 The Labour Council continues to show its concern for the least fortunate among us at a time when it has to spend time , money and effort attending the demands of increasingly authoritarian central Government and collecting the Tory Poll Tax .
12 The time when it has to come in .
13 Yes , the time when it has to come in , the day I say I want to collect it , now you might need to say to yourself , oh dear , Mrs said the deadline was , have I met it ?
14 It is certain the board would prefer to see Mr Weir re-elected as it tries to keep a united front over the next few months when it has to produce new proposals for its future which are acceptable to the Scottish Office and the Office of Fair Trading .
15 ‘ Twin Pillars ’ is a readable account of this skulduggery , but oddly bad at discussing America 's real dilemmas in a region where it has to weigh its friendship with Israel against its strategic interests in the Gulf .
16 Confusion occurs when the student is taken out of the ‘ rut ’ , so to speak , and put in a situation where he has to execute flawless techniques from many different angles .
17 And and what I 've got in front of me , David Lock , what I 've got in front of me is is erm , and I know David 's got it David Allenby 's got it as well , is the er paper from Harrogate 's Economic Development Officer to his Economic Development Sub-Committee , and it 's gone all the way through the process now and through the main council , where he has to answer that very question and I could n't put it better .
18 The following factors should be taken into account : ( a ) any foreign element in the case which would be likely to require the guardian ad litem to make inquiries , or take other action , outside the jurisdiction of the court ; ( b ) the likely burden on the guardian where he has to represent several children in the proceedings ; ( c ) the existence of proceedings relating to the child in any other Division of the High Court in which the Official Solicitor is representing the child ; and ( d ) any other relevant circumstances .
19 He always travels on the back of the lorry where he has to pop up and turn , but he does n't mind at all . ’
20 Certainly discretion is exercised by human beings , and those human beings are subject to all the , the frailties of humanity , and in many situations the policeman is in a tense but essentially human situation , where he has to make snap decisions on the spot .
21 He can only highlight the atmosphere supporting the plot , especially those circumstances where he has to portray differences between classes and thus general behaviour , idiosyncrasies , etc. , for example the contrast that must be made between the dances for all and sundry in the town square and those for the aristocrats in the ballroom of Romeo and Juliet .
22 The worker , we concluded , is caught in that he wants to make some investment in work , even though the ends sought may be quite diverse by different workers , and , at the same time , is always caught in a situation where he has to experience feelings of resentment .
23 This is why it has to set the stage by exploiting your reactions and using your fear .
24 He can not say where he is going or why he has to leave , except to admit :
25 Maybe that is why he has to interweave the stationary activity of basket-weaving with the strenuous one of rickshaw pulling .
26 He ca n't drink for six whole months , that 's why he has to get himself away from town and temptation and live out in the country .
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