Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever there was something amiss in the district she wondered where her brothers had been at the time , and as she had been making her way to Sainsbury 's this thought had yet again crossed her mind .
2 And I mean whenever there was one in the flats , you could hear it probably throughout the whole complex .
3 So this is how Freud originally discovered transference , as an observation made in the course of analysis , and as we saw , erm , a couple of weeks ago , whenever it was I was talking about group psychology , transference was a fundamental concept in Freud 's theory of groups .
4 Er yes I saw a small erm Afro-Caribbean child erm near the bed , whereabouts he was I I I I 'm not sure but it was near the bed .
5 I said they 'll want to know , where they was , how they was they 'll want to know the value of each stuff , what was in it , everything !
6 You can both go to hell for all I care , ’ Sarella wondered how it was they 'd managed to get off the subject of the telephone call so quickly .
7 One Afro-Caribbean mother in my study , who was living on benefits with her partner , described how it was her grandmother who bought her daughter 's shoes , while her mother
8 ‘ He was trying to explain to us how he feels about negotiations , how it was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations .
9 Pavel Mukhortov , the Russian reporter who claims to have had a close encounter with extra-terrestrials He ( Nelson Mandela ) was trying to explain to us how he feels about negotiations , how it was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations .
10 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
11 He recounted how it was his standard lunch time practice in the 60 's to rush to places such as Ifton Colliery , St. Martin 's , near Oswestry to photograph their railways and to chat to some of the characters who operated them .
12 And she had wondered how it was she was speaking of him at all .
13 When I saw him dancing at the Saturday night disco at the Turtle Bay Hilton I thought I had discovered how it was he managed to survive those horrendous wipeouts .
14 Just to satisfy herself that he understood how it was he was able to build out of the vertical , the teacher asked if he could make a bent tower with wooden building blocks .
15 That 's how it was It had fallen apart with er without .
16 Well , I do nt understand how he was something like joint 8th favourite about 2 months ago … now favourite .
17 How what was her speed
18 And then I say to myself oh come on , oh do n't say when I was your age I wanted did nearly or whatever .
19 Most probably about ten , ten thirty in the morning when I was you know , stocking up and things .
20 You know everyone was walking like my hair I did n't know where I was everything that people said would like just echo in my head .
21 Before I knew where I was we had begun our organization , choosing Sisters Against Disablement as its name .
22 They keep questioning me , always asking where I was what I did why I did it , did all of them where I was who I was with who am I trying to kid why do n't I just admit I did it well if I did n't do all these things , who did ?
23 We had rather a lot to drink , and before I knew where I was I found myself being hustled into a broom closet by three men .
24 Well , maybe ‘ blossom ’ is an exaggeration , but I told Gillian one or two of Oliver 's jokes , and we talked about being apprehensive over coming to the group , and then it emerged that she was half-French , and I had something to say about that , and the estate agent tried to bring in Germany but we were n't having any of it , and before I knew where I was I had half-turned my shoulder to exclude the other chap and was saying , ‘ Look , I know you 've only more or less just arrived , but you would n't like a spot of supper would you ?
25 Even from where I was I could see how good he looked .
26 Is Well I was I 'm trying to think where I was I was at Blackpool , er I went to Blackpool for two days , I went with some friends .
27 Yeah , I said I 'd have a go and before I knew where I was I got got top billing .
28 Then you 've got to think of your references problem is the job that I 'm applying for is working in the school and my reference for primary school is Redland School cos that 's where I was I thought ooh yes that would be laugh if I apply for Redland School yeah great so it 's gon na come under wor work experience and reference I do n't know you can put
29 My feeling towards the pregnancy was one of absolute delight and excitement , but having worked 8 years since leaving school to get where I was it was a major concern to me that my work or my position within the firm should not suffer .
30 D. A. Round where I was it was particularly deserted .
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