Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A sign was put up in order to remind staff whenever I was on duty .
2 Of course , having always possessed an interest in astrology , she knew that it was her Arien opposition that made her react so whenever she was under threat .
3 Edna enlarged upon how well Karen had done at college , how , although she was the youngest in her family , she was always being called upon whenever she was at home to help out with other people 's children , how she had passed her driving test at the first attempt .
4 Whenever she was at home , he smelled her cigarettes .
5 Forever on the move , meeting new faces , constantly in demand socially whenever she was off duty , Liza Tremayne found that there were longer and longer periods between the days when she still suffered black despair over the thought that she would never again see the man she so resembled in character and who had given her , had she known it , more love than he had ever bestowed upon any other woman .
6 She looked for them whenever she was on the Down .
7 She was a scold — whenever she was near him he felt in the wrong and wondered anxiously what it was he ought to have done .
8 He kept asking her to ring whenever she was in London — she lived in Brighton — so that they could get together .
9 Marevna ( Maria Vorobiev ) , a talented young art student from Russia , ran to La Rotonde for comfort and consolation whenever she was in difficulty .
10 Whenever she was in the vicinity of Roman , her manners deserted her .
11 Oh , God , why was it that whenever she was around this man her wits went begging ?
12 But I remember those being built and a at first whenever there was like rain , or whatever there , they always used to like flood the place !
13 In visiting Susannah Taylor whenever he was on circuit in East Anglia the barrister and antislavery literary journalist , Henry Crabb Robinson , was in part resuming the connections of his youth .
14 Most held him in some awe — fear , too , whenever he was on the road .
15 Whatever the case , Belinda knew , in her quietly realistic way , that he was light years beyond her world , and barely aware of her existence , so she simply kept her head down whenever he was on the ward , said very little , and suffered .
16 And whenever he was with people , he mustered his energies together to appear to be ‘ normal ’ .
17 Of course , he had known they would use the Microwave Gun on him ; they always did when he was up in front of somebody , whenever he was at a disadvantage anyway and needed all the help he could get , whenever he was going for an interview for a job , or being asked things by the Social security people or even clerks in the Post Office .
18 Jenna tried to ignore him too , although whenever he was near the air seemed to be crackling between them .
19 For nearly a week after the injury , whenever he was in Nikkie 's field of view , Yeroen would hobble pitifully , generating an air of pain and dejection .
20 The story of a man compelled to search for a pure virgin , read one evening while his mother was mending stockings , left him ‘ haunted by spectres ’ whenever he was in the dark ; other stories drew him out to the churchyard , where , with his imagination overflowing , he would race up and down through the great avenue of elm trees , and act out among the docks , nettles and rank grass whatever he had been reading .
21 The strange metallic noises continued at intervals , whenever he was in a position to hear them .
22 Googol talked to himself in a muffled manner or merely droned — hard to say which — whenever he was in space .
23 She also promised that , if he returned the ring to her whenever he was in trouble , she would help him . "
24 Right , and the background to that of course is , for those of you who may not know , Bullett was I suppose a more junior person in the State Department , when he went to Europe with Woodrow Wilson in nineteen eighteen , and nineteen whenever it was for a peace conference , and Bullett was the only one of the American delegation who resigned and confronted Wilson and said , look , you 've gone back on the fourteen points , you 're not doing what you said you would do .
25 Britain 's union structure was one of a series of ‘ fragmented monopolies ’ , each monopoly looking over its shoulder at other monopolies and exploiting the comparison whenever it was to its advantage .
26 But that 's just how I was until the age of twelve , I recognise myself .
27 She described how she was at a butcher 's shop when she noticed James had gone .
28 Stephen Whitley 's widow Constance Whitley , 34 , told Cheshire 's deputy Coroner John Pollard , how she was in their terrace home in Mill Lane , Great Sutton , on the evening of March 4 , when she was alerted to the fire by sounds coming from the garage , a few yards from the house .
29 ‘ That 's not how it was at all .
30 You ca n't — you pick six instead , and that 's just how it was at the Delacroix in Derry .
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