Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] see her " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I saw her and Shadwell together they always looked pretty intense , as if they 'd just had a fight or shared a lot of secrets .
2 Whenever I saw her , she always smiled at me , It was as if she 'd got me confused with someone else , someone important Once I had half an hour to wait for a transport .
3 I knew whenever I saw her , first time I was in the shop that I recognized her from somewhere .
4 She gave Victoria a banana whenever she saw her and would tell Melanie to help herself from the baskets of nuts .
5 Whenever he saw her he would ask her to explain the Bible to him , and in the drawing he made of her , he wrote the Hebrew version of her name , Chana , daughter of Rafael , in Hebrew characters across the top of the head .
6 He gives no Bill gives him fifty P , fifty P to , for whenever he sees her
7 That is how I see her now , turning to look over a white shoulder , with the placid expanse of lake about her .
8 Suddenly she realized how he saw her .
9 She wondered how he saw her — that was , if he ever gave her a thought , apart from in her official capacity .
10 Up until yesterday , when the whole thing had taken shape and he had whisked her away to Rocamar , she had simply been his confidante — at least , that was how she had seen herself , and she 'd assumed that was how he saw her too .
11 Was that how he saw her ?
12 ‘ I told you Alice had changed two years ago , when I saw her in London , ’ he said .
13 I knew when I saw her in the graveyard reading the writing .
14 ‘ I thought Rosamund seemed rather flustered this morning when I saw her . ’
15 Shit , I 'm trying to talk myself out of it , it 's just when I see her … ’
16 why , I do n't want to see a cos everytime when I see her again it reminds me of Roosevelt
17 Oh is that where I saw her ?
18 That 's where I see her when I think of her , though she did n't take me there at first .
19 That summer was a time of waiting for Sara , and a time when she saw her home , her family and her native Ireland with new eyes .
20 But Flavia merely said , ‘ You will be able to judge when you see her . ’
21 ‘ Well , give her my regards when you see her . ’
22 Jean was aged thirty-seven when we saw her .
23 But he did reconsider next day , when he saw her watching the passage of the porter from the refectory before noon , and following him with her eyes as he turned in between infirmary and schoolroom , where the two small stony cells were built into the angle of the wall , close to the wicket that led through to the mill and the pond .
24 Well , he would soon know when he saw her .
25 ‘ Practice makes perfect , ’ quipped Peter when he saw her .
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