Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'opes as 'ow you 've got some pennies for me , so as I can get meself a bed for the night . ’
2 I think they 're quite abrupt and rude whenever I 've phoned them up .
3 I know that whenever I 've tried to put paint on any cars that we 've ever had , it 's never looked right has it ?
4 Whenever I 've enthused to practitioners about the advantages of LM 's they 've always expressed confusion about the procedures involved and in particular the complications that they see in using teaspoons , tablespoons and glasses .
5 Whenever I 've needed them they always get here right away ’ ( FN 5/10/87 , p. 22 ) .
6 well whenever I 've had this
7 For years whenever I 've got out of bed in the middle of the night — about whatever pursuit you get out of bed in the night for — my right ankle has made cracking noises , like kindling being snapped .
8 Other people seem to complain about their hangers multiplying whenever I 've got hangers disappear .
9 Whenever I 'd played their records I 'd be dancing around me room , and to dance onstage to the music you like is just f—ing awesome .
10 He answered at once , ‘ Whenever I 'd found the hole in the floor .
11 I remarked on the truculence , boorishness and dishonesty which I had encountered , routinely , in the hotel and in restaurants ; indeed , whenever I had had dealings with anyone in a public capacity .
12 Whenever I have met him since , he has invariably reminded me that I taught him about the business !
13 You may want to make the nice gesture , which was made to me when I first moved into a flat and I have repeated myself whenever I have moved , of leaving a plant or a box of chocolates and a note wishing the next occupants a happy life in your former home .
14 The two rivers are very different to look at , or at least they have been whenever I have seen them .
15 Whenever I have argued this point with other anglers they inevitably say that all you need to do is use a long link and a short hook-length when link-legering to obtain the same effect .
16 Whenever I have had some sort of public success , ’ he reported in his autobiography , ‘ it has inevitably been followed by a period of personal financial distress and prolonged unemployment . ’
17 Whenever you 've seen Rob in my office you 've taken good care to get him out of my clutches very smartly , on the flimsiest of pretexts .
18 So whenever you 've got Xs and Ys and all sorts of strange things in there think just , it 's only a number .
19 That doctrine of notice has got into the Common Law in one or two places , e.g. in the law about the sale of goods in market overt , and in the law of negotiable instruments ; but , broadly speaking , whenever you have got rights which depend upon notice , you may be pretty sure that you are in the sphere of Equity .
20 She had been smoking dope now for the last year , scoring whenever she had saved up enough money from her weekend job at McDonald 's .
21 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
22 Whenever she had allowed thoughts of sharing a bed with Fen to enter her mind , just the imagining had racked her body with sensuous shivers .
23 Whenever she had arrived before , with her mother , or on her way to stay with relatives and school friends , it had been full of innocent bustle presaging lunch at Marshall and Snelgroves and tea at Fortnums .
24 Apparently , whenever she 'd gone close to this man he 'd shooed her away , recoiling from her and muttering , ‘ Pork , pork , pork , VD , VD , white woman , white woman . ’
25 ‘ God , ’ her husband said , whenever she 'd brought him home before her father died , ‘ what a bloody awful climate … ’
26 Try and encourage her , excuse me , try and encourage her to come and see you whenever she 's got a problem .
27 Because what we 'll have to do is negotiate at the end of the next session , whenever we 've finished , cos that 's entirely dependent on when we get fed up varies on what
28 However , quite a few teachers took an interest in what I was trying to do , especially the biology teachers , who were impressed with my knowledge of birds and conservation , and my English teachers , who soon heard all about my interest because whenever we had to give a talk in class , I would launch into a full lecture on rearing and handling owls and other birds of prey .
29 Anyway , the Chinese seem excessively embarrassed and concerned about an incident of this type , and we have been kept under very careful supervision ( I am sure for our sakes , in their eyes ) whenever we have gone out of the hotel .
30 Whenever we have to remember lists for lectures , appointments or even shopping , we simply associate each item or idea on the list with the appropriate hook .
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