Example sentences of "[indef pn] look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's a bit like asking why someone looks at the sky or watches the sunset . ’
2 He did n't know what Lewis meant about someone looking after the house but no doubt he , Adam , had at the time concocted some tale to keep his father quiet , to keep him away even .
3 ‘ We must hold our nerve , ’ Malik was saying , ‘ and have someone look at the damn manuscript .
4 Do you want me to send someone to look at the plough ? ’
5 ‘ Get someone to look at the new evidence you turned up .
6 The hidden costs of being in hospital — lost income , the cost of employing someone to look after the children , the cost of having someone to look after the home if your partner works , even your partner 's lost income — can soon add up to become a severe financial burden during an already difficult time .
7 The hidden costs of being in hospital — lost income , the cost of employing someone to look after the children , the cost of having someone to look after the home if your partner works , even your partner 's lost income — can soon add up to become a severe financial burden during an already difficult time .
8 He offered to make all the arrangements , such as organize the travel and someone to look after the cattle for me , so I agreed .
9 Val enjoys her work ; her husband , who is a milkman , is able to tie in his shifts with hers at the hospital so that there is always someone to look after the children .
10 Inner-city blacks often see better-paid jobs as beyond their reach : they ask for too many qualifications , they are too far away , there is nobody to look after the children .
11 But after my mam died I had nobody to look after the baby , so I could n't go any more . "
12 The council said it would cost £10 to send somebody to look at the wall and then I 'd have to pay to have it repaired .
13 Er , nobody looked at the time which , which did cause a problem .
14 If one looks beyond the picturesque formula for the foregrounds of figures , animals or rocks to the hills , lakes or sky , the prints have a delicacy and personality all of their own .
15 If one looks beyond the surviving lists of fees to less formal evidence of affiliation , more instances of continuity are to be found .
16 If one looks beyond the surface comedy the sadness of Hamlet is revealed .
17 If one looks beyond the surviving lists of fees to less formal evidence of affiliation , more instances of continuity are to be found .
18 If one looks across the channel , as some of us have , and sees the way in which the matter is approached there , it is humiliating to consider what has gone on in Britain over the past few years .
19 One wonders how often our players play in tournaments for if one looks at the tennis results in the daily newspapers one seldom sees the letters G.B. behind the player 's name , and if we do , seldom does it appear past the first round .
20 If one looks at the figures presented at Budget time for the previous financial year , for the financial year 1967/1968 , it is pretty clear in broad terms on what scale the process had been in operation .
21 For the recording , we reseated the orchestra for each variation to create the acoustic that one sees and imagines when one looks at the score .
22 If one looks at the speeches , reads the pamphlets and studies the discussions of Councils one sees that an aggressive political tone was never far from the surface and this was before their wholesale involvement in the debates over the 1902 Education Act .
23 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively , one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler .
24 And when one looks at the individuals within the Royal Family , they are so magnificently unaccountably and unpardonably boring .
25 This drift towards investigation through interrogation is altogether clearer when one looks at the provisions on detention which are to be found in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act .
26 If one looks at the early development of vertebrae it becomes clearer just how segmental much of our own early development is .
27 If one looks at the international scene — as any university or special librarian must — the range of choice is further amplified , especially since publishing in the Third World is expanding very quickly .
28 So the more closely one looks at the criminal statistics the more complicated and problematic they become .
29 If one looks at the lists of endangered specials it is apparent that many are large animals .
30 However one looks at the early movies one comes up against the decisive contribution of the showmen , but obviously their role was most noticeable in the way the movies were presented .
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