Example sentences of "[indef pn] that look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tell me it 's someone else , tell me it was just someone that looked like you . ’
2 Definitely no pier and nothing that looked like a break in the reef .
3 I assumed , in my usual mechanistic way that that meant that everything that looked like being cancerous had been cut out .
4 Zap ! — and the one Henry most favoured , which seemed from looking at the label to be a sexier version of raw bleach — Finish 'Em It came in a huge blue bottle on the side of which was a picture of something that looked like a bluebottle with twelve legs keeling over , while a housewife in rubber gloves looked grimly on .
5 Among the blocks there were other large items embedded in the hump : a skeletal pylon , a diminishing spiral of linked , vitreous bubbles — and something that looked like the front end of an asteroid cruncher , a large sub-warp ship with front-opening doors big enough to engulf space rocks .
6 He looked at Alina , wanting to ask her what she 'd done ; but she was standing just out of his reach , and watching him with something that looked like compassion .
7 She came back later with a shopping bag full of something that looked like boxes .
8 Through the window , Carl saw a man in a white coat run out from under the plane with something that looked like a grenade in his hand .
9 A squat kit of chunky glassware , an orange rug of Iranian provenance and recent manufacture , a Spanish guitar and a pair of maracas , two oil paintings ( the first showing puppies and kittens asnooze , the second a nude , ideally rendered ) , an elephant 's foot , something that looked like a microphone stand but turned out to be a Canadian sculpture , a Bengali chess set , a first edition of Little Women , and various other cultural treasures from all over the world .
10 Mrs Garfitt , fat , voluble and slovenly , paused for breath and gave a perfunctory stir to something that looked like workhouse broth on one of the meatless days .
11 Maybe , Charles reflected , his son-in-law was the result of some cloning experiment , by which creatures from another planet had created something that looked like a human being , but lacked the essential circuitry of humanity .
12 She really wanted a cup of tea and she knew perfectly well that Glyn would serve her up something that looked like brown shoe polish .
13 It was cooked by a woman , or something that looked like a woman but could have been a giant panda .
14 It was somehow easier to say these things to something that looked like a top-secret weapon in transit .
15 Quigley leaned down , picked up the box and , from it , pulled out something that looked like a waffle iron .
16 Marc gave a getsure of impatience but did n't say anything , and Peter , a glass of something that looked like a triple Scotch in one hand and Sarella 's usual orange juice in the other , moved smoothly forward .
17 I wanted something that looked like a sea animal .
18 It costs £100000 a minute to produce top quality graphics , on a computer system costing £10 million , so the people paying do not want something that looks as if it was shot with a camera for a few thousand pounds .
19 Monaco has produced yet more mirror glass , with a doll 's house Georgian faade , Pakistan something that looks like a pretentious curry house in Southall .
20 If you use too much colour you can end up with something that looks like a fruit salad .
21 If you use too much colour you can end up with something that looks like a fruit salad .
22 The few people left that Intel Corp has n't non-disclosed about the P5 will be able to glean some details at next months Hot Chips Conference in California : the P5 will be previewed and presentations made on Alpha , a 200-MFLOPS PA-RISC , HyperSparc , the ARM 600 , something that looks like Sun 's Tsunami and LSI 's single-chip 33020 X terminal controller .
23 So if you have an unused runway or something that looks like one nearby , please use the conventional markings for a disused , unusable runway — white crosses or , at the very least , tyres or stakes painted white .
24 She says : ‘ Maybe men need something that looks like ‘ a proper drink ’ but , as a woman , there is no stigma attached to being sensible and having an orange juice . ’
25 Or is it gon na be turning into something that looks like analysis of oh right so it 's like listen to yep fair enough listen to er a joke and er well I 'll tell you what , can you speak up a bit so we can actually get the conversation on here because the I 'm sure the British National Corpus would be interested .
26 He served not only on the Royal Commission for the reform of Oxford , but also on the one that looked into scientific education , and drafted most of its final report .
27 He had plenty of routine , and a new one that looked as if it might be interesting : the murder of a whole family in a bright new Span house in Blackheath .
28 In a Welsh farm family the grandmother was bedridden , and child-care fell to the grandfather : ‘ cause he was in the house , he was the one that looked after me and kept me in order . ’
29 The inspectorate er men I do n't know whether it 's the same as the one that looked after the coal field and all that , but erm we we had an inspector coming round every so often anyway .
30 The photograph that Boy looked at most often and which he sometimes even left out of the box and kept on the floor beside his bed as he slept was one that looked like a photograph of Boy himself .
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