Example sentences of "[indef pn] [Wh pn] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do hope it 's not the bitterness of someone who is n't logical , but sometimes it makes me emotional .
2 In the end , the quacks and medicine men were left with that strange , disembodied feeling you get when you 've been talking for several minutes to someone who is n't there .
3 I already had a mailing list of over 7000 people , which is healthy for someone who is n't a household name , and is a good base for putting out a single , if those people then go and buy it .
4 There was the distorted thud-thud of someone who is n't certain if their microphone is working and who is tapping it experimentally .
5 It 's exhausting enough for you ; imagine what it is like for someone who is n't used to your kids .
6 The council initiating the scheme says it 's important for residents to have someone who is n't official to talk to .
7 Personality based depression happens to people with poor self-image , or to someone who is heavily dependent on others for emotional support .
8 After all , give someone who is barely more than a child a high-powered ‘ toy ’ and there is bound to be trouble when they go out to play with it .
9 When you look after someone who is even only partly disabled , there is always a risk that you become so engrossed in his problems and needs that you forget to look after yourself .
10 ‘ How nice to meet someone who is even aware of that .
11 It must be remembered that you do not just want someone whose opinion is going to carry weight but someone who is also going to provide persuasive evidence both in their report and at trial .
12 Whereas if someone who is normally very placid and kind became ill , say with an earache and at the same time became irritable and bad tempered , then this would be a highly significant symptom .
13 I just had to tend to him when it got too much for someone who is not that involved in drugs .
14 There is always such intense jealousy among members of the British literary establishment when someone who is not ‘ one of us ’ is favoured by an appointment , a prize .
15 The chairman , David Lawson , says , ‘ Our typical customer is someone who is not necessarily having much day-by-day culture intake .
16 Although companies are not expected to go to unreasonable lengths to accommodate someone who is not able to carry out his job to the full extent , an employer who disregards altogether the possibility of finding you some other position and is unwilling to consider any other form of compromise may be vulnerable to an unfair dismissal claim .
17 It is someone who is not afraid of responsibility or commitment ,
18 It is important to accept our children , single or married , without making them feel that they are less valued if they remain single , or if they marry someone who is not our choice .
19 What you do with someone who is not in such a bad way will depend on your relationship with the young person and on what situation you are in :
20 A seasoned assessor will soon spot someone who is not taking an active and full part in the activity and it will be regarded as no better than trying to force your way on to the centre stage .
21 The same applies to someone who is not a Catholic wishing to get married in a Catholic church .
22 He also makes the point that as someone who is not earning and who is unable to sell his house , his circumstances are not unlike those of many other people .
23 Paul speaks of the pastoral situation of a Christian man or woman being married to someone who is not a Christian .
24 Is all this easy , and does the book explain that it is easy for someone who is not Elizabeth Taylor to achieve this ?
25 ‘ Having a good cry ’ , especially while being held by someone who is not trying to talk you out of it , is good , provided doing so does not seriously breach further injunctions about being ‘ feeble ’ and ‘ out of control ’ .
26 ‘ Now go and choose a dinner for someone who is not interested in food — it 's not the last time that is going to happen to you , my dear . ’
27 For a working constitution in a democracy implies reference to certain norms and standards which lie beyond and outside the document itself , and which can not easily be inferred from it by someone who is not steeped in the history and culture of the country concerned .
28 The introductory remarks found at the beginning of a book , usually by someone who is not the author of the book .
29 The privity of contract principle is that someone who is not privy to ( i.e. not a party to ) a contract can neither rely upon the contract nor be bound by it .
30 Under section 23 , however , it is possible for someone who is not a trader to be convicted .
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