Example sentences of "[indef pn] [Wh det] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing which is not either documented by photograph or clearly indicated by surviving is replaced .
2 Troilus has nothing which is obviously valuable to defend or give him guidance .
3 There is no one here who cares for me or will look out for me and I must shift for myself in everything which is not easy now I am big with child and not well as I was with my first-born .
4 I love making , I love doing , I love being to the full , I love everything which is not sitting and watching and copying and dead at heart .
5 Something I wrote on Nov. 7th — ‘ I love being to the full , I love everything which is not sitting and watching . ’
6 every everything which is not in Christ will wo n't it ?
7 He has command , but he is closed to everything which is not exclusively pertaining to military order .
8 Everything which is now taking place confirms that I have to be careful , very careful , even to the extent of disowning some of my earlier work if necessary .
9 The tie lines are so congested it is n't true , especially with accounts being at Stansted and apparently there has been a proposal in since last March with all the costings and everything which is still waiting on an answer for improved lines which would actually take some of the computer lines and everything .
10 But because Puccini 's story is so bare and elemental , he 's able to create something which is immensely subtle and extremely rich .
11 Firstly , if the argument is that any of the suggested markets — be they for products , corporate control or managerial talent — at present actually operates to constrain corporate managers , this is not something which is empirically demonstrated , and given the present nature of these markets it seems an implausible claim .
12 In this way a project which would have been profitable evolves into something much more fancy — and more fun — but something which is no longer profitable .
13 something which is no longer in the procedure you 'd leave it in crossed out .
14 What 's even more amazing is that the Heartbreakers ' music is both memorable and professional , something which is seemingly least expected from a New Wave band .
15 At this point the government would find itself sliding toward selling off the whole of the National Weather Service , something which is surely not the intention .
16 Indeed , in this stereotyped world many of us have a longing to do something which is artistically original , in some way to leave our mark on the musical scene .
17 In order to appreciate something which is above and beyond ourselves we have to rid ourselves for a time of our sophistication and , in the words of Jesus Christ , become as little children again .
18 It is a creative process , not a past process and something which is just stored away and lost and kept for the future .
19 The fact that the target language is not speech allows the interpreter to do something which is superficially easy : to shadow the source language without analysing it .
20 So a lot of people quite understandably say , ‘ The media is something which is best kept out of here and if they 're coming I shall hide under the table ’ and so on .
21 As to British Aerospace , will my hon. Friend give a firm assurance that the Government will continue vigorously to support exports of military aircraft — something which is strongly opposed by many Opposition Members ?
22 Something which is particularly curious is that increased government expenditure has not produced the egalitarian society which was intended .
23 Read for a while , then do some writing or some research browsing in a library ; this can reduce the effect of strain or tiredness with long bouts of writing , something which is particularly important for health reasons if you work at a computer .
24 Because if you define requirements in an ivory tower and you do n't talk to the client , you 're gon na produce something which is n't exactly what they necessarily want .
25 Something which is not necessary , but is worth doing .
26 For example , the chief executive or clerk would be at fault in allowing a committee to do something which is not authorised by law or which he knows to be illegal .
27 This privilege must not be abused by using it for something which is not a point of order .
28 Moreover , I doubt whether calling moral principles of this sort ‘ natural law ’ is in accordance with any natural law theory , which standardly requires a form of authoritative promulgation in addition to rational justification , something which is not a feature of existing international law .
29 This is an undesirable situation because a user of a script recognition system would not expect to write a word , and have it recognised as something which is not a word .
30 So the idea of making something which is not physically created by the artist , which simply stems from choices he has made , that is , something already created like the ready-mades , was valid — personally speaking , at any rate .
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