Example sentences of "[indef pn] [to-vb] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ai n't got nothing to go with it .
2 Er king king , jack and nothing to go with it .
3 ‘ I have nothing to object to it , ’ said Hugh promptly .
4 It now costs significantly less to buy a computer — or a ‘ work station ’ as it is known in the trade — than it does to pay someone to sit behind it .
5 In principle it would be quite possible for the study of English poetry to begin in a similar ab initio fashion , except that it would be fruitless for someone to embark on it who did not have at least some familiarity with poetry and a wish to read more .
6 ‘ All those hours spent on rifle ranges at fairs might ‘ ave somethin' to do with it , ’ admitted Tommy .
7 In the case of orphan children the position is relatively clear : a child without parents needs someone to care for it .
8 ‘ If there are riot police , ’ he says , ‘ then vigilantes will appear , because there will always be somebody to see to it that crime is never given a free rein . ’
9 If you or others get these problems after being in a room with a gas appliance burning , see a doctor , stop using the appliance and get somebody to see to it .
10 At the finish he had plenty to spare over It 's Tough with Moving Statue , who had looked dangerous at one stage , in third place .
11 If we only opened a door partly er there is room for somebody to hide behind it and then when we go into the room then we would encounter problems .
12 Presumably with room for somebody to hide underneath it .
13 somebody to stand with it
14 I ca n't see them two paying out for somebody to look after it and I can not really I can not Seasons , well what you got on today ?
15 Lisbeg was not a big house , but there was plenty to do in it .
16 And while I 'm not his hugest fan , I 'm certainly an admirer and this storming , bleeping , lost-in-house noise has plenty to admire about it .
17 She said , well we 've got somebody to travel to it .
18 Er , there are abuses in some and variations and er not always a desire by everyone to belong to it , but the odd man out is often like a bad apple in a barrel .
19 You 've got nothing to play with it now .
20 They 're trying to arrange a ‘ mutually convenient ’ date ( and in the back of their minds they also want it to still be on sky … so unless we both get knocked out of the FA cup this weekend ( perish the thought ) we 'll probably end up playing a saturday and the following monday if moneygrabber silver is owt to do with it .
21 It took a kind of genius , Godolphin had once remarked when talking about Bloxham ( he liked to report on the absurdities of the Society , particularly when he was in his cups ) to look so dissipated and have nothing to regret for it .
22 ‘ But that 's got nothing to do with it … ’
23 A fourth man , said to have provided the bomb , has added that they had nothing to do with it .
24 ‘ What I 'd like you to know is that when it was all over and Peter was back from America , the grave-diggers were down here on their bended knees begging him for forgiveness because they knew it was a nasty business and said had they known at the time they 'd have had nothing to do with it . ’
25 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
26 The executor has nothing to do with it !
27 He says he had nothing to do with it . ’
28 What sort of men ( women , I suspect , having nothing to do with it ) sought to worship God with such a display of blatant vulgarity ?
29 The six refusenik republics — the Baltic three , Moldavia , Georgia and Armenia — want nothing to do with it .
30 ‘ It is a simple case of jealousy , ’ Mrs Browning said quietly , ‘ and we can have nothing to do with it .
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