Example sentences of "[indef pn] [to-vb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 British rail tell us that the Scotland to Brighton train which is due to call at Oxford at 5.35 is running 2 hours late this evening , but I have nothing to report to you from the buses .
2 Nothing to report to you now on the buses or the trains .
3 British Rail tell us their services are running to schedule this evening and I 've nothing to report to you from the bus services in the area .
4 And I 've still nothing to report to you on the buses or trains .
5 And I 've nothing to report to you still from either the buses or trains .
6 And I 've nothing to report to you on either the buses or the trains . .
7 And I 've nothing to report to you on either the buses or the trains .
8 And I 've nothing to report to you on the buses or trains .
9 ‘ I have nothing to object to it , ’ said Hugh promptly .
10 While in ( 16b ) the speaker is not represented as having any kind of expectations at all , in ( 16a ) he is : the sentence with the infinitive means that the speaker was hoping for someone to come to his assistance even before this happened .
11 ‘ If you want someone to talk to her — ’
12 Well he 's got someone to talk to his while
13 It was then that she met ‘ the love of my life ’ : he answered an ad she placed in the local paper for someone to read to her .
14 Joseph was trying to get someone to explain to him what the exchanges between Durance and Maurin had been about and where Maurin had gone .
15 You are a slave , you are weak and it is no good for someone to say to you , ‘ Just follow my example ’ , because at moments like that the intrinsic goodness of another person becomes an impossible dream .
16 ( 6 ) is very similar : given the opinion that Sir Jee had of himself , he could not understand what could lead someone to speak to him in such a way .
17 ‘ If there are riot police , ’ he says , ‘ then vigilantes will appear , because there will always be somebody to see to it that crime is never given a free rein . ’
18 If you or others get these problems after being in a room with a gas appliance burning , see a doctor , stop using the appliance and get somebody to see to it .
19 During both readings tap the rhythm , and also have somebody to listen to you and tell you if you switch to the wrong rhythm .
20 Oh , what a pity could n't get somebody to talk to her and have it recorded .
21 We yelled to 'er to keep still while we looked round for summat to throw to 'er to catch 'old of .
22 She said , well we 've got somebody to travel to it .
23 Er , there are abuses in some and variations and er not always a desire by everyone to belong to it , but the odd man out is often like a bad apple in a barrel .
24 Well the plain fact of the matter was Chairman there were there were none to quote to him and erm we see the the structure plan Policy E two er as fulfilling a bridging role between national policy and the more specific guidance which would necessarily be contained in local plans .
25 A man feels so insignificant against its vastness that confidences no longer seem something to keep to oneself .
26 To make it easier to remember , except it maybe it refers to it , maybe it uses book something to refer to them .
27 Now that Antoinette was dead , there was no one to repeat to her to be careful , not to drop it , to try at least to walk like a lady , not to plonk it down like that .
28 Have you something to add to it ?
29 But as it happens , I have something to convey to you . ’
30 You have my sincere hope and prayers for a safe delivery out of your troubles , and which I fear not will be granted to you , and if I am not with you at the time you will have something to present to me when I do . ’
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