Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb past] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 In Damascus he would have loved baiting Marwan , the AP reporter , with Nick ; at the Comedy Store he would have laughed at the idea of the song someone had written for him — ‘ The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Bullets ’ ; , and my début at live interviews would have provided another entry for his file of great lines .
2 Someone had applied for planning permission to knock down an old cow-byre in his garden and build a bungalow ; the environmentalists raged at this further desecration , the laissez-faire element saw no reason why people should n't do what they wished with their own .
3 It would be paranoia , of course , to suggest that someone had arranged for him to drop into this particular hole , but it was certainly true that no one would be eager to fish him out .
4 Hatton had been walking along in the dark and someone had waited for him among the willows and the brambles , the stone ready for use .
5 In the same instant someone had leapt for the window .
6 Jennifer said nothing , as nothing seemed called for .
7 He was pleased nobody had asked for his passport .
8 A packed hall had responded attentively to his intense , vocally elegant , performances of arias by Scarlatti , Stradella , Meyerbeer , Donizetti , Cilea and the Spanish composer Pablo Sorozabal , but with the opening instrumental strains of Catari in his first encore the vast audience suddenly burst into the kind of wildly enthusiastic applause that one had waited for all evening .
9 Four years later the England selection committee saw the semi-circle during their visit to Switzerland and Italy , and wondered why no one had called for its use at home .
10 It becomes clear after one has been working at something for several weeks , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that one is not going to achieve what one had hoped for .
11 Parental attitudes , like early physical-care practices , have not turned out to be the clear-cut determinants of personality development one had hoped for .
12 It was fatal to be out alone after dark , one had asked for it .
13 Apart from the inherent improbability that the Lockerbie investigators never thought to ask for it , that it was left to a clerk to print out a copy on her own initiative before the computer wiped the record , only to return weeks later from holiday to find that still no one had asked for it , and that the BKA , after being given the list , sat on it for months before passing it along to the Scottish police , there remained the problem of the FBI teletype which left open the possibility that no such bag from Malta was ever loaded on Flight 103 .
14 Dorothy One had died for something she believed in ( though Margaret was not quite sure what it was ) , but she 'd have helped keep Dorothy Two if she 'd lived .
15 Among the most dangerous was the Chaplain of the Repubblichini , a Catholic priest whom everybody had suspected for a long time .
16 And that 's what upset us most about these people going back to work , the fact that a meeting had been taken a few months before in which everybody had voted for us to get the sack , and then all of a sudden they had been threatened and no vote was taken on whether we should stay out or go back , and they just dribbled back to , that really knocked us I think .
17 We knew her and we also knew that she was taking food to a different set of prisoners ; they were beginning to scatter over an increasingly wide area as there was now no hope of an immediate Allied invasion of northern Italy , which was what everyone had hoped for .
18 Everyone had come for a good time , and they did not want it spoiling by some wildmen .
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