Example sentences of "[indef pn] [coord] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , either you get on with someone or you do n't , ’ says Charles .
2 If some i Well well you could I mean if you went out with someone and you thought they were pretty naff talking to the employer again six months later and say , Oh they 're a lot better .
3 ‘ What would you do if you were going with someone and you liked them but you did n't love them or anything but you were only really going with them because if you did n't you 'd get so much heat … ’
4 If you 've helped someone and you feel really good about it , let go all those negative feelings about how you could have done it better .
5 Yeah but you imagine it , you 're going out with someone and you see them like every day and then during the holidays you wo n't be able to see them
6 You know when er , you 're going on away or on t' beach or summat and you put your toiletries in and you can put a towel and that ?
7 well I thought well if it checks me another six months at least when they say have you got any experience , but as I say I 'm still in touch with Mencap and I 'm still in touch with mine and I 've also er put in for , what they call them mobility insistence for the Princess Marina which again an education and you just go in and be , be a friend to somebody and you take them out for an hour , er a couple of hours , you , and you 're paid five pounds eighty for a two hour session
8 If you trust somebody okay you 're quite open to them , they 're quite open to you if you co-operate you 're flexible , you 're being flexible and you like to work together and what happens is is if you 've got low trust and low co-operation with somebody well what you 've got is really everybody both people or everybody involved being defensive constantly being def defensive , if you do n't trust somebody and you know you 're not co-operative you 're constantly looking over your back , what are they doing are they doing that 's gon na mess something up you know what are they trying to do now .
9 Something which is important to say is that the first time you have a contact with somebody and you do a piece , you 're , you 're meeting for the first time , it 's slightly awkward and you 're getting to know each other slightly , the second time you do it easier , it 's easier , and if you establish relationships with the local press , local radio and so forth , it gets easier and easier all the time , because by the time you get to know people , it 's not sort of ‘ Can I speak to somebody who does a programme about the morning whatever it is ?
10 I often say jokingly that you make a comment to somebody and you find you 're talking to the world export on expert on whatever it is .
11 Because if , if you get a letter from somebody and you think oh , it 's lovely I 'll , I 'll do something about that .
12 Few there be , are there few that be saved , well what does the bible say about this , first of all it teaches abundantly clearly that all may be saved , God is not partial , God has no favourites , he does n't love you more than he loves any body else , he does n't love me more than he loves you or you more than me , he does n't love you more than he loves ah any other racial group or any other ethnic group , he loves us all the same God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus Christ , here in his love , not that we love God says the apostle but that he loved us , the old testament profit reminds us that he has loved us with an ever lasting love , who , this was one of the hang ups that the Jewish nation had , they thought that they were the cats whiskers , he chose them , but he in fact did n't love them any more than he loved the , the hitites , the parasites , the gergasites and all the other ites , he loved them all the same , God is not partial in his love because he is love , if there was any body that God did not love he would actually cease to be God because love is not something that , that God does , you and I do it no matter how loving you are , or how loving you think you are , you are not love , you choose to love somebody and you love them , there are times when that love goes very thin sometimes , perhaps because of events that have happened , it can actually come to an end where that love dies , you withdraw your love God ca n't do that , God loves us as we 've said with an eternal love , a love that will go on throughout the endless ages of eternity
13 Nobody but you thought to call in on me , ’ said Doris .
14 Looking at all package deals today Tenerife , erm eighteen nights , hundred and five or summat but you had to go sixth February .
15 You know how a man can say nothing and you hear it all over the house for weeks ?
16 So if you get someone in that situation who 's saying I 'm desperate for money , I 'm claiming income support , I 've heard nothing and you have n't been told how much they 're entitled to .
17 You know , maybe we pick someone from groups who 've been doing a lot of good work lately , perhaps or something or you know some something like that , just er so they 're not left out the frame
18 Or on this one or you have to have the other one ?
19 Oh all of my stuff has been up in the loft it 's like you say , I mean if they 've been double wrapped and everything and you wash them
20 I expect auntie has told you everything and you have been too busy to come , but please come now .
21 Well she said something and you said something , you really sort of
22 And I 've asked you to do something and you 've done neither !
23 You talk about if it 's something you 're used to you talk about something and you know what you 're talking of and somebody a bit like actual
24 Erm and she said an also I think she wants to ask you something and you know she asked you before and you 've taken no notice !
25 And I think it 's signposted Penge or something and you turn right there .
26 If you see something and you explode with laughter , it does n't matter what was going on , you laughed — it 's funny .
27 it 's more satisfying when you 're desperate for something and you get home
28 and rung the A A , so as I got through to the A A man I says erm , you know , I says I , where I was parked and all like that and where I was stood and the chap says oh I 'll get a , a van up to ya as soon as I can , but I says wait a minute , I says my car 's just arrived and Joan was the mechanic , he lifted bonnet up and touched something and you brought it down did n't you ?
29 The veins expand or something and you lose body-heat .
30 If you say you are going to do something and you do n't , you will not only lose credibility , impact and effectiveness but also give your debtor further confidence to continue not paying .
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