Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adv] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 There would have been a time when most small city streets would have come clearly within the jurisdiction of one parish ; nothing so simple for Brunswick Place — it lay within the civil parish of St Leonards , the municipal ward of Hoxton New Town , the parliamentary borough of Hackney , the urban sanitary district of Hoxton , and the ecclesiastical parish of St John 's .
2 Nothing so common for Warren .
3 There is a simple sense that Coleridge is happy to write them , that although Kubla Khan has its savage side , it is a savage side in which he revels and although Frost at Midnight carries lonely memories ( particularly bitter to someone so desperate for love ) he overcomes them and thinks upon a happy future instead .
4 There is still plenty more potential for growth .
5 Scotland 's most-capped goalkeeper , with 54 appearances , is needed at Bramall Lane because Dave Bassett 's side , who face Sheffield Wednesday on 3 April , have nobody else eligible for the FA Cup to cover for first choice Alan Kelly .
6 They knew that there was nothing more off-putting for a woman that a romantic encounter at the cinema holding hands with a large dollop of Castrol GTX .
7 There is nothing more tedious for the teacher than to hear one of his best students saying , after the examination : ‘ Oh , I did very well , but I only had time to answer half the paper . ’
8 There is nothing more frustrating for a President to issue an order to a Cabinet officer , and then find that , when the order gets out in the field , it is totally mutilated . ’
9 There is nothing more important for the world economy .
10 It is obvious that the first type of temperament is the one most desirable for a riding horse .
11 That is to say , he stands between the client and the outcome of his instruction and is therefore identified as the one most responsible for a project 's success or failure .
12 In other words it 's not part of its standard employment allocation but it 's put it in the local plan so that people know , the locals know , that that field over there those fields over there erm are not guaranteed for ever as countryside but on the other hand they 're jolly well not gon na be released unless it 's for something extremely special for which there would be a statement carried through from the structure plan , elaborated on no doubt at local level , which set the rules .
13 Fred owns a garage and has tried to get everything together ready for the business accounts to be drawn up .
14 The Captain frowned and murmured something sufficiently incomprehensible for her to take it as a negative .
15 And , of course , that was something so different for me because they treated you like one of themselves .
16 Kakoo 's life spanned almost a century and her wonderful memory made everything so vivid for all the generations who knew her .
17 He was experiencing something utterly new for him : his first controlled passage into a geistzone under the guidance of an oolerinnen ; his first safe transit of the threshold for so long guarded by the bone , wood and bird-wing magic of the shaman .
18 The really posh people would sometimes by-pass all the local shops when they wanted something extra special for a big occasion .
19 In 1988 this was recognised by Swiss Federal Railways promotion of a stretch of former " Gotthard Road " between Fluelen and Goschenen as one suitably traffic-free for use by those who seek to combine touring and sightseeing with cycling , which in Switzerland has become popular as part of a current " fitness ' movement .
20 Ruby had said she would be at the office again next morning by which time she expected Rain to have found something more profitable for her than keys .
21 While in the summer you might get away with a pair of trail boots , I would always want to wear something more substantial for traditional British hill-walking .
22 Eat something more nourishing for supper , though . ’
23 worry too much about that because I often wished deliberately , where I could be doing something more productive for the lord .
24 To help you choose something more exciting for the budding Nick Faldo or Laura Davies in your family , STEVE NEWELL has plotted an 18-gift course from expensive luxuries to handy stocking fillers :
25 ‘ Come un'ape ’ might have been replaced with something more apt for a bass voice ( Dandini really should be a baritone ) , and the newly-exhumed concert aria ‘ Alla voce della gloria ’ , though a fine showcase for the voice , makes an indifferent showing beside such gems as Alidoro 's ‘ Là del ciel ’ ( also from Cenerentola ) .
26 Though he did n't say so , he was looking for something more satisfactory for himself and Sien , and perhaps for an extended family if her mother and brother joined them later .
27 Light and shade cohabit like life and death , the one more vivid for the dread presence of the other .
28 Two of Britain 's best-known bosses — each famed for aggressive business-building tactics , one also renowned for his sporty exploits — agreed to take part , then cried off .
29 Hence the importance of Eve Sedgwick 's category of the homosocial : we must insist that there are different kinds of masculine heterosexual alliance that are not necessarily ( though may be ) homosexual , repressed or overt ; but we also need to make this point in a way which does not then privilege this distinction between the sexual and the non-sexual since this is to re-establish the primacy of the sexual , something partly responsible for the original misrepresentation .
30 There must , of course , be something fairly obvious for them to feed on .
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