Example sentences of "[indef pn] [conj] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And I reckon that he 's the sort of person who would turn into someone that would hit someo hit his his woman , because he takes her for granted enough as it is , and that , I reckon that 's how wife battering starts because the husband starts taking the woman for granted so much
2 Nothing that would lead me to inform your firm of her passing . ’
3 The shadow cabinet has agreed that while Labour must oppose the Government on various aspects of the treaty , it should do nothing that would lead to its fall .
4 It had to be a safe name , innocuous , nothing that would draw attention to the past .
5 Mariana did n't look up so the smile Trent gave her was a waste of time and he could n't think of anything else to say , or nothing that would make any difference .
6 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
7 Nothing that would stand looking at too closely , of course , but it was like all the best illusions that she 'd ever seen , onstage or off because for all its contrivance , in the moment of perception it somehow transcended reality .
8 Nothing that would stand up in court . ’
9 Nothing that would interest you .
10 ‘ The poor schoolmaster must live his life in a glass cage and do nothing that would scandalise the parish ! ’ frank grumbled .
11 A speech in which the epochal scale of change in the East was acknowledged and yet also modified by President Bush 's innate caution , it was meant to include nothing that would alarm Mrs Thatcher .
12 ‘ I do n't believe Craig would be involved in anything illegal , certainly nothing that would harm your prospects , Spencer . ’
13 The BBFC aimed to ensure that British films were as bloodless as possible , contained no criticism of any foreign power and no attack on any established British institution such as the clergy or the judiciary , avoided all political , religious and social controversy , and did nothing that would risk causing offence or inflaming public opinion .
14 Francis could have been involved in something a bit shady but nothing that would have brought him within range of any violence .
15 The official report states : ‘ To have forced his way into Benghazi when the enemy was obviously ready for him would have achieved nothing and would have involved the loss of his force . ’
16 I do n't think he had many friends here , certainly none that would have lasted after he took his diploma .
17 When I was n't in the park , I was cataloguing the host of visitors to the weeping willow tree on our front lawn — just about everything that would sit in a tree came there , mostly blackbirds , sparrows and pigeons , but the ducks loved the shelter of the drooping branches .
18 It is possible that there is an undiscovered and unique set of equations that describes all the forces and particles in the universe in a kind of Theory of Everything that would do away with the Anthropic Principle .
19 By the time he died there were no animals left in the yard , nor land to call his own , for it had been sold to the building men , who were throwing up The Courts in order to house the rabble from starving Ireland and those flooding in from all the villages from miles around , all in the hope of being set on and blankets and shawls , everything that would go to cover a human being .
20 So everything that would hold water was put on the stove and er he did and then it they took it out to the
21 It is getting steadily worse and is moving westward with the stream of refugees , who , having eaten their last stores and sold everything that would buy a morsel of bread , are wandering they know not whither .
22 Laplace suggested that there should be a set of scientific laws that would allow us to predict everything that would happen in the universe , if only we knew the complete state of the universe at one time .
23 In fact , I 'm about to suggest something that would simplify matters . ’
24 I 'm sure I can come up with something that would simplify things for you . ’
25 Pascoe was walking through their house , ten years before , going from room to room , first puzzled , then anxious , then searching for something that would explain her absence .
26 Sandy tried to think of something to say , something that would explain how she felt ; but the image that formed in her mind was of a punchbowl brimming with vomit , and she knew instantly that she was about to do likewise .
27 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
28 Erm the unstable bladder was present more often amongst our obstructed group although erm this was not something that would distinguish the obstructed patients from the non-obstructed .
29 Chapman was interested only in something that would last three hours .
30 For the first time ever , Athelstan had a piece of evidence , something that would fit , something which might unlock the rat of the secrets .
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