Example sentences of "[indef pn] [conj] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Neighbourhood Watches is organized er in the , there 's , we have a head coordinator i of each scheme which is er someone that lives in the area .
2 If now " independence " is regarded as essential to basic existents , it is clear that nothing that depends upon a relation to something external to itself qualifies as a basic existent in the true sense of the word .
3 There 's nothing that happens on the estate which I do n't know about .
4 What Weismann realized was that nothing that happens to your body can be translated back into your genes as it were .
5 So nothing that happens to you in the course of your life can possibly change your genes , because they 've already been copied .
6 A.G. Kennedy , its most recent editor , has noted that " apart from chs. 25 – 7 there is nothing that amounts to much more than injunctions that justice should be done and that every man should do his duty " .
7 News film of the General Assembly disturbance shows much shouting and placard waving but nothing that comes near the sort of heckling and barracking to which present-day government ministers are regularly subjected in visits to the north of England !
8 Nothing that seems of much interest . "
9 There was nothing that corresponds to modern social security , except charity and relief from actual destitution , and sometimes little of either .
10 In real-life evolution there is nothing that corresponds to steering towards some distant genetic target .
11 People will help themselves and save you a lot of work , as will buying paper plates for everyone to use and making the buffet a finger buffet with lots of little bits and pieces of food , and nothing that has to be served onto a plate with a spoon or cut up with a knife and fork .
12 He shows nothing that suggests to me he should wear a Liverpool shirt .
13 Can you afford somebody that fades like that , I do n't know it 's
14 So out you go You know people initially work using networks , and then if they do n't have somebody that corresponds to something which they 've got to do then they perhaps will phone the university or the poly and say , ‘ Have you got anyone that knows anything about jam fritters or whatever it is , we want to do a piece because it 's current , ’ and somebody 's unearthed in that particular way .
15 that 's got asthma , and he often goes into or dia he 's a ba diabetic or summat and goes into comas .
16 I make a crack to some little thin guy in a blazer who is following us up , but we says nothing and stares in front of him like he 's forcing himself forward in a hill-climb .
17 On the one hand it is nothing and asks for nothing , on the other it is the secret and silent source of the destruction of everything .
18 ‘ They see everything that happens to me .
19 Everything that happens to you has been chosen by your spirit so there must be a reason , even If you are unable to see it at the time .
20 They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression .
21 The treatment of slaves … anything and everything that happens from the time of enslavement in Africa through the Middle Passage and the final sales and treatment in bondage . ’
22 To him everything that happens in the natural world is rational through and through and subject to a rigid norm .
23 Everything that happens in your life will naturally bring about a change in you as a person and , to that extent , your future will therefore be affected .
24 His journals , which he has published at regular intervals ( the fourteenth volume appeared recently in France ) bear witness to the enormous interest he takes in everything that happens in the world outside him , and to a human being scornful of bourgeois conformity , almost an anarchist , and a convinced pacifist .
25 An amino acid is a chemical sub-unit of a protein , and ultimately everything that happens in a cell it produces some kind of protein , so you can see that erm the triplet or produces erm which is one of the , one of the er amino acids and so on and there are also punctuation marks U A A or U A G means stop , as does U G A , so when , when a R N A template running through a gets to a sequence which reads , where was it now , U A A it stops reading because it knows it 's got to the end of the gene .
26 EVERYTHING that happens within Nato 's military machine , from routine field manoeuvres to nuclear strategy is predicated on the existence of an inner German border — the Iron Curtain dividing East from West .
27 Take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that occurs to you about the word(s) you have chosen , giving yourself about ten minutes .
28 Everything that occurs in the organization is in one way or another idea-handling .
29 The declared results remind us more readily of the spoiled world of Genesis 3 than those of Genesis 1 or 2 : ‘ The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth , and upon every bird of the air , upon everything that creeps on the ground , and all fish of the sea ’ ( 9.2 ) .
30 The work of a radio producer is all-embracing ; he is responsible for everything that goes into a broadcast production .
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