Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 As Lauda remarked : ‘ He was someone I took a great liking to , the craziest devil I ever came across in F1 . ’
2 I wanted to ‘ do ’ someone I knew a little , but when I approached my number one seed , he served me up Roy as a better choice ( Roy just happened to be on holiday so not able to comment ) .
3 So it is a question of not allowing someone who commits a summary offence to ‘ escape liability ’ for an indictable offence .
4 ‘ An actor is someone who plays a role , tells a story , ’ he explains , ‘ and a star is someone who 's always acting in front of everybody .
5 ‘ Murder , ’ he said , in the tones of someone who knew a bit about the subject , ‘ is something we try and classify .
6 She knew someone who knew a woman .
7 Maybe he/she is right ; often he/she is not and may recruit someone who becomes a liability .
8 The authors state that a baseline blood sample may be requested from someone who sustains a needlestick injury , whereas a baseline blood sample should always be taken after occupational exposure .
9 The term ‘ sir ’ retains respect while ‘ madam ’ refers to someone who keeps a brothel .
10 A very striking example was told me not long since by someone who attended a dinner party in Moscow soon after Gagarin 's space trip — the Gagarin who had reported that he did not see God in space ( see p. 57 ) .
11 When he 'd first arrived he had lived in a succession of bedsitting rooms on the west side , for which he had been charged extortionate rents by landlords who he never met ; the third night after coming to The Bar for the first time he had slept with someone who knew of someone who had a spare room at a much more reasonable price , and Boy had moved in .
12 Nara was sent to get a bowl of milk from someone who had a cow that was yielding : Kalchu suggested maybe the ā gri or the um in the bottom house on the corner .
13 They went into the living-room and Lee turned off the television and they ate scrambled eggs in silence , Lee sitting on her resentment and Philippa thinking how impossible it was to talk to someone who had a blind spot , a crazy gap , a fatal flaw .
14 His argument against me had been my lack of experience — he particularly wanted someone who had a lost more PR experience .
15 Now the capable Mrs Brocklebank had become someone who had a conscience and a guilty secret .
16 That was how they used to insult someone who had a and untidy load you know .
17 ‘ I 'm looking for someone who had a baby here , twenty years ago , ’ said Juliet .
18 ‘ It does n't matter — just someone who lived a long time ago — best forgotten . ’
19 And it was composed either only a short time after those events by someone who played a role in them , or more probably by someone with direct access to the testimony of an eyewitness .
20 I think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit . ’
21 As you can see , for every problem or bad habit , there is usually someone who knows a foolproof solution .
22 However , at heart he 's still a guitar playing singer , and someone who knows a thing or two about Vox AC30s …
23 ‘ Besides , if you 're a drugs syndicate and want to murder someone who knows a bit too much , you do n't do it in the victim 's office , do you ?
24 I was talking to someone who knows a Leeds solicitor who is involved with the club and he was allegedly letting this colleague in on some inside info .
25 Erm to someone who knows a little bit about maths ,
26 You only have to think of the otherwise incomprehensible behaviour of someone who hails a cab with a flailing gesture of the outstretched arm and who , having failed , then feels it necessary to provide an account of what happened by using the same hand to smooth down the hair .
27 He would plead that the plugs had been planted by someone who bore a grudge against him , and the story would be quickly put round the plant that it was the foreman himself who had fixed it , to settle an old score .
28 As we saw in Chapter 14 , Michel Foucault argues that before the nineteenth century the sodomite was someone who performed a certain kind of act ; no specific identity was attributed to , or assumed by , the sodomite .
29 This was another characteristic that he had : he often talked about himself as if he had custody of someone who needed a lot of upbringing .
30 The only thing that would change them , he commented savagely , was when he became someone who earned a thousand guilder a year .
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