Example sentences of "[indef pn] [verb] me a " in BNC.

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1 Can someone give me a list of these nicknames so I can know who is being discussed .
2 Someone showed me a mattress on the top of a two-tier bed .
3 First of all , someone give me a name for the girl .
4 Someone give me an arrow . ’
5 As I entered the barn someone handed me a mess-tin full of hot tea .
6 Oi , someone get me a rubber please .
7 Someone brought me a mess tin half full of very hot tea ; it tasted good .
8 Wo n't someone tell me a story ?
9 Okay I actually went to a Beaujolais Nouveau evening the other evening and someone offered me a glass I said , Do n't be so bloody insulting who do you think I am .
10 ‘ Yes , this is the real world , ’ I said out loud — too loud actually ; someone gave me a funny look .
11 Someone gave me a pass .
12 This made me uneasy , and I was glad when someone gave me a glass of white wine .
13 I howled like a dog , struggling against my captors , until someone gave me a crack across the head and I slipped into unconsciousness .
14 Someone gave me a microwave oven this morning for nothing .
15 Well someone gave me a lovely address in erm mm
16 Apart from given you a B yeah on why it 's just hanging in , must try a lot lot harder , gives me a B and then erm someone gave me a C someone gave me a C and said oh yeah gave me a C yeah
17 Apart from given you a B yeah on why it 's just hanging in , must try a lot lot harder , gives me a B and then erm someone gave me a C someone gave me a C and said oh yeah gave me a C yeah
18 If someone bought me an expensive perfumed soap , I would save it — not believing I would ever have another — until I found it years later , grubby and odourless !
19 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
20 " Your father thought one of the others would have blown the gaff to me — presumably they thought he had — the net result , as always when you leave it to George , being that nobody told me a thing .
21 So can somebody give me a sentence that explains what we talked about the sun is n't staying still it 's , all right Kieran .
22 Somebody told me a very good memory game to play the other day .
23 We get people you say well I , you know somebody told me a couple of months back how to use the diary system by you know putting the note in and then dating it when you want to remind yourself been in the company ten years you know all this sort of stuff and it 's just useful bits you know the whole and all this sort of stuff .
24 I have n't got time to er mark them all in a formal sense , so just bring a plan y'know if y give me somebody give me a mock title cos I 'm very reluctant to dream up titles under these circumstances Okay , compare and contrast two theories of aggression .
25 Right colleagues if you would turn to the General Secretary 's report , on page , page one hundred and eighty , and we 'll go through the pages from one eighty two to two six nine , one eighty , one eight one , one eight two , one eight three , one eight four , one eight five , one eight six , one eight seven , one eight eight , one eight nine , one nine O , one nine one , one nine two , one nine three , one nine four , one nine five , one nine six , one nine seven , one nine eight , one nine nine , two hundred , two O one , two O two , two O three , two O four , two O five , two O six , two O seven , two O eight , two O nine , two one O , two eleven , two twelve , two thirteen , two fourteen , two fifteen , two sixteen , two seventeen , two eighteen , two nineteen , two two O , two two one , two two two , two two three , two two four , two two five , two two six , two two seven , two two eight , two two nine , two three O , two three one , two three two , two three three , two three four , two three five , two three six , two three seven , two three eight , two three nine , two four O , two four one , two four two , two four three , two four four , two four five , two four six , somebody get me a drink !
26 Nobody calls me a bastard . ’
27 Can somebody pass me a towel please ?
28 Could somebody fax me a copy of what was in the Torygraph yesterday please .
29 I was quite interested in doing the heads ; somebody gave me a plaster head of him , that was all .
30 No one casts me a single glance .
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