Example sentences of "[num ord] time he have " in BNC.

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1 A packed City Hall did not have long to wait as Lewis roared in with several more stinging rights and left hooks and when Garber was floored for the second time he had no chance of beating the count .
2 That was the second time he had been saved from drowning .
3 He had been twice into Ruane 's office , and the first time the block had been polite , and the second time he had been told rather less politely to sit on his hands and wait , like everybody else had to .
4 It was the second time he had heard the term .
5 It was the second time he had ignored the ban — he competed in a road race in Cardiff last month .
6 It is the second time he has earned the label .
7 In fact it is the second time he has used the policy .
8 It is the second time he has missed an international tour because of injury .
9 The voice was weary , as if this was the fourth time he 'd been called by his father that evening .
10 I do n't know , he got another D T and he 's , that 's the fourth time he 's got ta go and see the master about it or something .
11 It was the first time he 'd bothered to read through them and he found much useful material for his hobby of persecuting Gina .
12 It was n't the first time he 'd thought that , but this time he was sure .
13 But this was the first time he 'd offered to share any of his inner self .
14 It was the first time he 'd ever slept with a woman and it felt like burglary .
15 It was the first time he 'd realised that a woman 's blood had the power to excite him .
16 The first time he 'd done it with a boy , he 'd been ashamed .
17 It was the first time he 'd been really alone since the days when he 'd lived in a hole and had to go out hunting by himself because there was no one else .
18 The first time he 'd seen her — all those years ago — he 'd felt something close to panic .
19 He returned for his father 's funeral , the first time he 'd been back to Zimbala in seventeen years , and Jamel was able to persuade him to stay on as the new editor of the country 's leading daily newspaper , La Voix .
20 Preston denied this with some zest , pointing out that it was the first time he 'd thrown a punch at anyone since his days in the ring with Cobber the kangaroo .
21 It was the first time he 'd spoken .
22 It was the first time he 'd ever called me sweetie .
23 It was n't the first time he 'd had this nightmare ; it was happening more often nowadays .
24 He said it was the first time he 'd done so but he was damned if he was going to be wheeled into a restaurant like a blasted mental patient out with his nurse . ’
25 Cleo concluded it was probably not the first time he 'd had to deal with a situation like this .
26 As he walked behind the lawnmower he did n't care for , he remembered the first time he 'd ever seen her .
27 The first time he 'd seen her had been at Dave 's , and Dave had kept a possessive arm round her all evening , warning others away .
28 This was the first time he 'd spoken since we left Sweetmary .
29 He had spoken the compliment as though he really meant it , just as he had the first time he 'd said it .
30 It was the first time he 'd spoken , and his voice was aloof , his dark face shuttered and remote , giving nothing away .
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