Example sentences of "[num ord] two [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only two of these , /f/ in somefing [ P17 ] and the glottalling of /t/ in alright and what [ P19 ] , are shown in the transcription , but there are several others : the vowel of come , one , up and run [ P3 ] ; and the vocalisation of /l/ in the second two cases of tell me [ P16 ] , which contrast with a clear /l/ in the other instances of tell .
2 In the second two weeks of April , he was locked in meeting after endless meeting on Bosnia .
3 Graeme Thompson crashed while lying fourth two laps from the finish in the 250cc race won by Nigel Bosworth .
4 First , an increasing gap opened up between the new scientific understanding of the universe as developed by men like Copernicus , Galileo and Newton , and the picture which orthodoxy generally believed it could find in the Bible , especially in the accounts of creation in the first two chapters of Genesis .
5 The first two chapters of Moses and Monotheism were first published as articles in Imago ( 1937 and 1938 ) , and sought to establish , in purely historical terms , that there had been two figures with the name ‘ Moses ’ in Jewish development .
6 Just how complicated a problem this may turn out to be is indicated by the following quotations from the opening paragraphs of the first two chapters of Christine Hugh-Jones ' very remarkable book From the Milk River , which is a study of Pira-pirana Indians living in the Vaupes region of Colombia , as viewed from the perspective of the inhabitants of a single longhouse community in which she and her husband resided for two years between September 1968 and December 1970 :
7 She was evidently a heavy smoker for the first two fingers of her right hand were stained with nicotine , and , now that he looked , the nails were bitten and the cuticles chewed raw .
8 Place the first two fingers of your right hand on the main artery of the inner wrist of your left hand just below the base of the thumb .
9 Fragolli crossed the first two fingers of each hand in the universal Russian sign for prison and everything connected with it .
10 It is not generally known that among the sculptured panels at the top of the Library facade , there is one featuring two children fingerspelling at each other the first two letters of the alphabet .
11 from the first , an Australian marathon runner , take out the first two letters of his forename. from the second , an American sprinter , we want another two letters , this time the first two from his surname .
12 Tradition asserts that Constantine , in deference to this celestial portent , ordered the shields of his troops hastily emblazoned with the Christian monogram — the Greek letters chi and rho , the first two letters of the word ‘ Christos ’ .
13 For instance the first two letters of this chapter , ‘ It ’ , are at this moment sitting in RAM locations 6446 and 6447 of my computer , which has 65,536 RAM locations altogether .
14 [ First three letters of genus ] [ First two letters of species ] [ 4-digit sequential numbers , 0-prefix for backlog , 1-prefix for new accessions ] [ Copy number ] Since the meeting , it has been agreed that the numerical part of the number will be a sequential accession number .
15 Do you see in the first two movements of the Fifth and in the whole of the Sixth a certain prophetic note , or do you see them in purely musical terms ?
16 The first two movements of the B flat minor Sonata have a demonic urgency .
17 The first two weekends of the 1977 season were for Mario anyway marred by accidents : in Argentina the nose-mounted fire extinguisher exploded , and in Brazil he found himself sitting in a pool of petrol and got out of the car while it was still moving just as his cockpit went up in flames .
18 The project , now scheduled for the first two weekends of June , went into the May issue of Spokesworker and was given front page treatment in the main newsletter , which also came out in May .
19 Work will take place over the first two weekends in June ( 1st-2nd , 8th-9th ) , starting 9.30 am on site .
20 The first two columns of figure 8.4 show the results for a sample of proportions .
21 To do this , the cases are reordered so that the X values are in order , as shown in the first two columns of figure 10.6 .
22 However , it should be noted that , while the first two columns of X are arbitrary to a scalar multiplier , they are also obviously arbitrary to any linear combination ; i.e. we may postmultiply the equation by a matrix unc in which unc and unc are arbitrary except that D must be non-singular .
23 Then from the first two columns of unc we have unc on transposition , since A is symmetric ; and unc Premultiply ( 13 ) by
24 The early years in Tennessee were hard and the family was frequently hungry , but in 1868 Frances , who from her earliest childhood had been a compulsive inventor of romances , sold her first two stories to Godey 's Lady 's Book , raising the money for paper and postage by selling wild grapes .
25 The first two lines of the first stanza are symbolic of the suns ability to give life as they refer to a man 's physical awakening , but here the tone changes .
26 Above all , we do not know the meaning of the first two lines of his damnable poem ,
27 I think we must seek clarification Mr and your willing to take the resolution and drop the first two lines of your resolution .
28 Let's see if we can refine those like us looking at the first two lines of the play .
29 On May 25 the House of Representatives passed by 533 votes to none , with nine abstentions , the first two readings of a constitutional amendment bill which included all the opposition-backed reforms .
30 The first two cysteines of each ZNF motif are shown in outline .
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