Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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31 Well do n't squeeze your nose for the second time or it wo n't come that 's better that 's it .
32 DEC quit looking for an Alpha RISC second source when it became apparent foundries were n't willing to make the kind of investment needed without knowing whether the thing was really going to take off , says Electronic News .
33 After McCoist 's spectacular diving header , Eric Cantona finally beat Goram — in the 85th minute but it was all too late .
34 A care order other than an interim order will continue in force until the child 's eighteenth birthday unless it is brought to an end sooner ( s91(11) ) .
35 The principle of treatment by similars — that what a remedy could produce it could also cure — was as far as we know first put forward by the Greek physician Hippocrates in the fifth century B C. Over the centuries , however , it was forgotten or disregarded and it was not until the end of the eighteenth century that it was rediscovered empirically by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann .
36 According to the leading present-day authority on this sector , Professor Supple , it was over the course of the eighteenth century that it assumed its modern form and structure , with agencies and branches , inter-company coordination of premium rates and policy conditions , and averaging of claims .
37 It seems reasonable to conclude that the situation described by economists as a " backward-sloping supply curve for labour " , meaning that contrary to expectations a higher price produces a decrease in labour offered , was less generally true in the mid eighteenth century than it had been earlier .
38 The mosaic work was introduced on the Portuguese mainland in the eighteenth century and it soon reached Madeira .
39 Embalming was rarely practised during the eighteenth century and it had almost entirely disappeared during the nineteenth century .
40 It apparently remained in continuous use throughout medieval times ; it figures as the main road from Oxford to Banbury in Ogilby 's road-book ( 1675 ) ; it was turnpiked in the eighteenth century and it still follows its original course after some three thousand years .
41 Wrigley and Schofield have shown that between 1650–99 and 1800–49 the age at first marriage for women fell by 3·1 years ; most of the fall occurred during the second half of the eighteenth century and it was most apparent in industrial communities .
42 ‘ I feared even at the eleventh hour that it would not be possible — and I knew not when we could meet else . ’
43 Nanchang CJ-6A N3104U was sold on the 18th for $ 40,000 and then the buyer re-entered the aircraft on the 19th auction where it did not sell .
44 And she came in and she had this , this baby , and it was her thirteenth baby and it weighed fourteen pounds .
45 Exactly when , we do n't know , it may have been as late as the thirteenth century before it cut its way through .
46 The great majority of French fabliaux too are to be found in manuscripts that contain extensive collections of fabliaux , and other genres , reflecting a development in manuscript production of the thirteenth century that it is difficult to believe is not connected in some general way to the growth of scholarly " compilations " ( compilationes ) at the same time .
47 The Playnes used it as a cloth mill in the 19th century but it was also a saw mill .
48 How this name originated I have no idea , but I do know that it has been around for many generations for a jingle about this name has come down from the 19th century and it went : " Old Cribb , Young Cribb and Young Cribbs Son , if it had n't a been for Old Cribb there would n't have been none " .
49 but he recommended to her to actually make it into a fourth bedroom because it would increase the value of the house
50 It proved to be a decisive victory for the Eighth Army and it was followed by further swift advances across northern Africa .
51 There are two Recovery Rooms on the fourth floor where it 's usually okay .
52 Race officials decided not to award McLeod-Wright the second cup , The Journal Trophy , outright after his sixth win and it is still presented to the winner at Newcastle 's Civic Centre each year .
53 In short , the value of history as a school subject must be constantly and publicly argued because : ( 1 ) history may lose out in any modification to the National Curriculum ; ( 2 ) in the implementation of the existing national curriculum it may be marginalised in the scramble for resources and timetable space ; ( 3 ) a rigorous projection of the value of the subject is important to the well-being of the school in the face of competition from other schools and possible closure ; ( 4 ) students have a choice at Key Stage 4 and in the sixth form and it is essential for the integrity of the subject that single-subject history should have a good representation at both levels ; ( 5 ) above all history has much to offer to the student of the 1990s .
54 The water leak was discovered in Kozloduy 's sixth reactor after it was shut down for repairs and modifications [ see ED 56 ] .
55 It can not therefore have failed to become an important centre in its own right after the administrative changes introduced in the fourth century and it may have been promoted to the rank of civitas capital , although there is no evidence for the civitas over which it would have ruled .
56 Though believed to be fourth dynasty when it was shipped , it later turned out to be twenty-sixth dynasty : the portions of mummified body inside might , or equally might not , be those of Mycerinus .
57 However , in most cases , the private person , even if not acting in the course of a business , is still really entering into a commercial transaction and it seems more likely that there will be more cases than in the first category where it will be reasonable that he accept some liability .
58 The majority of these deaths occur in the first hour and it is important to realise that if early ventricular fibrillation is survived the ultimate outcome is unaffected .
59 His one-man show yesterday failed to prevent the Hammers moving to fourth in the First Division but it saved Pompey from embarrassment .
60 ‘ The chorus has got to happen within the first 30 seconds , it 's got to be memorable after the first play and it 's either got to make you feel reflective or happy . ’
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