Example sentences of "have to say " in BNC.

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1 We have liked him for being into free speech and free love , and for what he has to say about convergences of the two , and about the curbs which revolution and its regimes has placed on them .
2 She feels she has to say something .
3 To be consistent with holism the constructivist has to say that individual ‘ beliefs ’ — mental states that are only in the running for truth — do not correspond to anything in the mind .
4 What he or she has to say is always open to comment , questioning , refutation .
5 It is hard to speak against a situation that makes everyone happy , but one has to say it represents a form of intellectual inflation that is just as pernicious in its way as monetary inflation .
6 Because one has only learnt to get the better of words For the thing one no longer has to say , or the way in which One is no longer disposed to say it .
7 ‘ Internally she has to say , ‘ It wo n't happen to me ’ or , ‘ It 's part of the job . ’
8 Wired purports to be about America not just Belushi , but this is trite stuff about decadence in Tinseltown ; what it has to say about the nation is nugatory , unless you count a depressing scene in which an audience collapses in laughter while the Voice of its Generation ( as Bluto in Animal House ) stuffs a sandwich down his pants .
9 ‘ Wired purports to be about America not just Belushi , but this is trite stuff about decadence in Tinseltown ; what it has to say about the nation is nugatory . ’
10 I want to hear what the doctor has to say .
11 I will hear what the Lord God has to say , a voice that speaks of peace .
12 Listen carefully to what he has to say about your hair , and the sort of style he thinks might look good on you .
13 ‘ They break the rules because Bawden cares less for rules than for the things he has to say about the feel of a summer morning , the watery sunshine of an April afternoon , or the flurry of a February snowstorm . ’
14 It tries to deduce what , if anything , the author has to say , and then nags him into saying it clearly .
15 Hear what she has to say . ’
16 It will be clear , I think , to anyone reading what Karajan has to say in Chapter 6 of these Conversations that his is an enterprise of particular historical significance .
17 ‘ Unless there is any quite remarkable news your sister has to tell , ’ Mrs Browning said , ‘ I would rather not hear what she has to say since I imagine it is a tissue of lies , of excuses and complaints . ’
18 — the most interesting thing he has to say is that sadism and masochism are always present in the same person : a masochist is a frustrated sadist , and a sadist is a frustrated masochist . ’
19 And see what Mr Harker has to say about it ! ’
20 Let's hear what the preacher has to say . ’
21 Wilding ( 1981 ) provides a trenchant account of this critique in the wider framework of all the social welfare professions but much of what he has to say rings many uncomfortable bells in our schools .
22 Whilst I can not within the scope of a short book consider what each religion in turn has to say about God , I can at least take note of the religious pluralism of our time .
23 It must be admitted that a great deal of what Judaeo-Christianity has to say about the ‘ goodness ’ of God is based upon claims about the way in which He involves himself in the historical process .
24 ‘ I think I 'll come with you , hear what this Meyer has to say for myself .
25 I think his comment is true for what he has to say , in the sense that , you know — I always conceive of interactions with lawyers as answering questions , and that ’ s not a question .
26 He listens carefully to what the other person has to say about it .
27 But Frank is not the only one listening to what Bob has to say .
28 The statutory duty to consult a trade union about redundancies is well known , but both employers and those directly affected tend to be less familiar with what the law has to say about the need for consultation with affected individuals .
29 Listening carefully to what your son or daughter has to say ( his or her opinions , feelings and difficulties ) is only one part of good communication .
30 Unhealthy it most certainly is ( I have been prevailed upon to refrain from detailing how ) but one only has to say the magic word AIDS to realise the sad fact that the consequences of some homosexual intercourse are far from gay .
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