Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the harnessing of water-power for mills and river navigation interlinked with a new system of canals laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution .
2 Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the suit evolved into styles which survive , if at all , only as formal dress — the evening tailcoat now worn with white tie , the morning coat often used at formal weddings , and the rarely seen frock coat .
3 Throughout the eighteenth and most of the nineteenth centuries the myth of a decline from former prosperity tended to conceal these limits and it was not until the 1890's that a first and very approximate calculation of her agricultural potential radically reversed the notion of a nation richly endowed by nature .
4 Under their stewardship and that of their descendants , development of the lead-bearing fields expanded until by the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the pattern of lead-mining in the Dales had become established .
5 Second , though before the enclosures of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the pattern of agriculture in this zone was basically a medieval one , it is also true to say that that in most of the rest of England was also medieval or even earlier in appearance .
6 In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the theory found its doctrinal expression in the ultra vires rule .
7 He has seen in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the emergence of a commercial " leisure industry " responding to a bourgeois desire to emulate the existing minority culture of the elite .
8 It may be taken as fact that during the late fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries a number of joint muderris/muftiliks came into existence in the provinces .
9 During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the verderers , regarders and agisters usually held office for life , provided that they discharged their duties faithfully and well , but in the fifteenth century the authority of the verderer , like that of the coroner , was brought to an end by the death of the king , and the sheriffs were ordered to hold new elections .
10 Between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries the republic of Ragusa was able , by treaties with its neighbours and by purchase , to extend its territorial base .
11 In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the laity began to enter the lawcourts .
12 But when the new Parliament assembled on 31st May the balance of parties was the same as before , and in negotiations which followed , Disraeli offered Palmerston a seat in a Conservative Government , with the possibility of being Prime Minister .
13 Once Pool had done their plundering a twin strike in the sixteenth minute the match , as a contest , was over .
14 The earliest narrow boats were very simply painted with the owner 's name and address and basic geometric designs , but during the mid-19th century a form of decoration now known as ‘ Roses and Castles ’ developed introducing a rich and varied tradition which has lasted to this day .
15 By the mid-19th century the Machine Age had arrived with a vengeance , which was only fitting , since that Age had itself begun in the west of Scotland .
16 In the mid-twelfth century a castle was built on the headland and a new town laid out below it .
17 From the sixteenth century a series of colonists had realised the economic potential of the area and established plantations growing cash crops such as tea , coffee , cocoa , rubber and pepper .
18 In the sixteenth century the word ‘ empire ’ did not usually refer to a state with transoceanic possessions of this sort .
19 And during the sixteenth century the Crown exploited this massive reservoir of land and labour to effect a major increase in state power .
20 While a small number of individuals in Elizabethan England stood outside this Calvinist consensus , as Nicholas Tyacke has commented : ‘ it is not an exaggeration to say that by the end of the sixteenth century the Church of England was largely Calvinist in doctrine . ’
21 By the last quarter of the sixteenth century the issue of ‘ official mourning ’ was on the wane .
22 In the early sixteenth century the prices of essential goods rose more sharply than those of inessentials , and at the same time wage differentials increased again , so it is likely that by this date population was rising again , and that as real wages declined a higher proportion of them was being spent on essential goods and less on luxuries .
23 In the early sixteenth century the Reformation made considerable progress amongst the Slovenes , and Protestant schools and churches were established in Laibach ( Ljubljana ) and other Slovene towns .
24 In the late sixteenth century the south coast of Thera , together with the port of Eleusis , vanished under the sea and stayed there .
25 There are some references to other forms of metal-working in the country ; most notably in the early sixteenth century the areas around Dudley and Birmingham in the Midlands , were becoming centres of ironwork , and there were further developments in such manufacturing at Sheffield where its history goes back further .
26 On the contrary , Chinese horological techniques did not advance , and when the Jesuits brought their clocks to China in the sixteenth century the inventions of Su Sung and others had long been forgotten .
27 From the late sixteenth century the size of a domain was expressed in terms of the rice production it could command , and this assessment was made in terms of koku .
28 At the beginning of the sixteenth century the fens were less thickly settled than the clay plateau , but 200 years later they were amongst the most populous districts in the county .
29 In the early sixteenth century the family assets were estimated at more than sixty-three million florins .
30 By the sixteenth century the initiative long held by the defender , surrendered in the late fourteenth century , had been largely regained .
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