Example sentences of "a mile " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I 'd still like to get married , but if someone actually proposed to me I 'd probably run a mile from that as well . ’
2 Far too often with a low cable break , the pilot goes for the airbrakes when there is a mile of field ahead and no hurry whatsoever .
3 ‘ County ’ men were transferred around at short intervals , while we were static in the city , never moving more than a mile or so between the three divisions to undertake real ‘ city work ’ .
4 A mile or so along the sand , she sat on a rock , looking at the grey/indigo streak of Italian coastline .
5 The families of guests were drifting along the river bank towards Donald Steuart 's a quarter of a mile upstream .
6 For a mile or two nothing more was said .
7 While this was the parking area recommended in the new Yorkshire Gritstone guidebook , the BMC are now asking climbers to ignore it , park in the village and walk the extra quarter of a mile .
8 After about a mile we quit the lane for pastureland below Robin Proctor 's Scar , beyond which lies the famous Norber Erratics field — a geologist 's paradise .
9 As with most good tumbles , you could see this one coming a mile off — and could do nothing to prevent the inevitable .
10 Convoys half a mile long are watched over by scattered Afghan army outposts on the hills by the road .
11 The good news is that he will not be rushed off to stud afterwards and will campaign for further honours next year when a move up to a mile and a quarter might be considered .
12 ‘ I would be surprised if it was decided to bring Old Vic back to tackle a mile and a quarter , even though it would be a nice idea , ’ he said .
13 The club is planning to sell its present ground in east London and move half a mile down the road to create a leisure and community centre .
14 The only surviving group of such installations can be explored at Curry Mallet near Taunton , Somerset , where three large gun emplacements with three-foot-thick concrete walls were built to house six-pounder anti-tank guns with a range of half a mile .
15 In theory , a horse with a rating two points higher than his rivals is considered to be 2lb — the equivalent of a length over a mile and a half - superior .
16 The arch-conservative , Senator Jesse Helms ( North Carolina ) , complained that the administration should have mobilised the US troops , based less than a mile from the Panamanian Defence Force headquarters , to help the rebels .
17 In theory , a horse with a rating two points higher than his rivals is considered to be 2lb — the equivalent of a length over a mile and a half - superior .
18 Tony Clark struck the front on Free At Last with a quarter of a mile to cover , and his mount held off Qui Danzig by a neck .
19 The second grave is behind a roadside fence in the garden of the poet 's pebble-dashed birth-place in Mucker a mile away .
20 The best-known is Les Grands Sables , over a mile long and backed by cliffs where the gorse-bushes were explosions of butter-yellow fireworks .
21 The Blue Guide lists almost 20 museums , churches and galleries within a circular area about half a mile across .
22 There is an invisible frontier just a mile or so on the road north out of Luanda , but it is more of a feeling than anything else .
23 From the dairy yard where Friesian cows wait to be milked , fields stretch a mile and a half to a distant hill .
24 ALEXEI GRYSCHENKO , the joint skipper of Fazisi , the Soviet entry in the Whitbread Round the World Race , was found dead yesterday , hanged in a forest a mile from Punta del Este , Uruguay , writes Stuart Alexander .
25 Henry Cecil 's colt proved himself a thorough stayer when running on strongly at the end of the 1 ¾ miles of the St Leger on rain-softened ground at Ayr , but the Champion is run over half a mile less .
26 ‘ They are about half a mile or so away , ’ he replied , ‘ and , most important , they are our guns .
27 About half a mile away an attack is going in on a hill , I can see Commandos advancing up the slopes , shells burst a short distance in front of the forward troops , probably covering fire from the British Artillery .
28 It is acceptable to wild camp on Dartmoor provided you 're around a mile away from a road .
29 Suitably inspired by such a religious and historic atmosphere we rambled down the lane for a mile and a half towards Whitesand .
30 When Michael was 5 the family moved house , only half a mile , to a larger house nearer Magdalene College , Howfield beyond Castle Hill .
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