Example sentences of "a bigger " in BNC.

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1 It 's a very physically demanding business ; dancing is a wonderful way of keeping in training and also gives you a bigger scope in theatre these days .
2 A cask has two holes , the tap hole at one of the flat ends to which a tap and pipe are attached , and a bigger shive hole on top .
3 I 've met one or two schoolteachers , but then again they 're a bigger group in society as a whole .
4 Breaking the weak link proved a bigger hazard than actual cable breaks or power failures .
5 He was enthralled by the entire proceeding and remarked that only the English could make a contest between two crews which would not rank in the World 's top 10 into a bigger spectacle than the Olympic final .
6 At the very least , Hong Kong must prepare to be a little more self-reliant for growth in the 1990s : public spending , particularly on infrastructural projects , is likely to assume a bigger and more virtuous role .
7 Because each has nothing to say , the mirrored buildings simply reflect a bigger nothing .
8 Salvation for Dziekanowski came with a transfer in 1987 to Legia Warsaw , a bigger club who , incidentally , enjoy sponsorship from the Polish Defence Department .
9 In the Brighton conference 's closing session , delegates called on the party 's national executive to bring forward proposals next year to give a bigger say to local party members , women , ethnic minorities , councillors and MEPs .
10 Oxford begin the build-up to their Varsity defence with a bigger overseas influence than they had even last season .
11 Research and development should be taking a bigger priority in our public expenditure and within the private sector than it is even now . ’
12 To most people coming forward to be a Christian priest , the moment when they became deacons was a bigger turning-point in the life , and more emotional , than the moment when they became priests .
13 He needed colleagues and a bigger library .
14 Releases from major acts have a bigger push and the marketing budget is much larger .
15 The small publisher collects money in the same way as a larger one , but a bigger publisher has extra staff to promote a writer 's repertoire .
16 Sheffield was the smaller town , but it had a bigger train station , more industrial soot , more prostitutes , and an all black movie house , the Carver , all in close proximity to one another .
17 A bigger white square .
18 The colonies as a group quickly emerged as a key element in British strategy because they were net dollar earners ( basically because of Malayan rubber and West African products such as cocoa ) and could be made so on a bigger scale by a number of policy devices .
19 The transformations that made the 740 into the 940 — a more rounded rump with a bigger boot , a more modern , 960-like facia , bigger brakes and more front headroom — are all worthwhile , and the 940 SE Turbo is solid , well built , generously equipped and decently rapid .
20 Sir Alfred 's interest was declining and Louis Stanley , his brother-in-law , was playing a bigger part .
21 When young supporters chant ‘ We 'll be running round Pompey with our willies hanging out , singing I 've got a bigger one than you ’ , or some other scatological rhyme , slightly changed to fit the time and place , they are doing nothing new .
22 I might have had a different man , a bigger apartment , a bigger car , travel that way instead of this .
23 I might have had a different man , a bigger apartment , a bigger car , travel that way instead of this .
24 They might move into a bigger flat — but !
25 Fears of an energy shortfall will lend new weight to calls by PowerGen , the smaller of the two Central Electricity Generating Boards , to take over a bigger share of the power market .
26 One problem will undoubtedly be the growing demands of the European Parliament , backed by Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand , to be given a bigger say with the Council of Ministers in setting broad Community economic objectives and in holding a future EC central bank to account .
27 continued from page one a bigger role for the European Parliament from the Rome Treaty review process .
28 Mrs Thatcher , although she has criticised the Delors monetary union plan for being ‘ undemocratic , ’ is determined to try to exclude consideration of a bigger role for the European Parliament from the Rome Treaty review process .
29 Defending charges which range from insider trading to more obscure practices like stock parking and failure to comply with statutory regulations , those indicted in New York and London have become players in a wider drama , witnesses to a bigger crime in which business ethics were corrupted by a decade which praised money-making not morality .
30 The majority of EC governments support Mr Delors in using the impulse of the moves to democracy in Eastern Europe , and the overwhelming backing for EMU shown at last weekend 's Strasbourg summit , to secure a bigger role for the parliament .
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