Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] or [art] " in BNC.

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1 Who will decide the country 's future : the majority of the 1,033-member Congress of People 's Deputies or the majority of 69m Russians who voted on April 25th to support Boris Yeltsin and his reforms ?
2 One of the potentially most significant developments in the period of glasnost and perestroika was the setting up of a constitutional review committee which could comment on the constitutional legality of legislation passed by the Congress of People 's Deputies or the Supreme Soviet and decrees issued by the President .
3 She used a lot of illustration in her sermons , often taking stories from Rita Snowden 's books or the Bible to relate Christian truth to everyday experience .
4 " Yes , I 'm sure you are , " Katherine said slowly , something about the expression in her son 's eyes or the way her daughter lifted her paper a little higher to hide her face , making her suspicious .
5 Characteristically within traditional professions such as Law and Medicine , it would have been beyond the bounds of decency to put any of one 's peers or the profession itself in a morally ambiguous or cynical light .
6 Garway was a staunch Royalist , who nevertheless , like his early associate John Vaughan , seemed to believe that constant vigilance had to be exercised to prevent the loss of England 's liberties or the wasting of its wealth .
7 Nor is there audit of police surgeon activities , apart from the occasional case that comes to public scrutiny at Coroner 's inquests or the Crown Courts .
8 They occur when an action by i directly affects j 's costs or the demand which it faces , or when R&D undertaken by firm i retards or blocks the innovative efforts of j .
9 But a diminishing , though still powerful , minority ensured that the ‘ Hitler myth ’ was kept alive and could even be temporarily revitalized from time to time when there was a transient upturn in Germany 's fortunes or the promise of suitable retaliation for people 's miseries .
10 The risk-graded investment — be it under Scottish Mutual 's calculations or the statistical tools used by other unit trust managers — can be no more than a guide .
11 In seeking to influence the size and timing of interest changes we can operate with a higher profile — through publicised 2.30 p.m. lending to the market , for example , which is the equivalent to the earlier MLR announcement ; or we can operate more discreetly through varying the scale of assistance in relation to the market 's needs or the terms on which we lend privately to the discount houses .
12 Few teachers are appointed for only one of the three tasks and even if their hands are full with teaching or with a senior teacher 's responsibilities or a large clutch of pastoral duties in their early days , they will know from the head what kind of organization they are joining .
13 Thus it may be committed by wrongfully taking possession of goods , by wrongfully disposing of them , by wrongfully destroying them or simply by wrongfully refusing to give them up when demanded , for in all these cases can be traced conduct by the defendant which amounts to a denial of the plaintiff 's rights or the assertion of inconsistent rights .
14 ‘ If the King 's serjeants-at-law or the lawyers in King 's Bench heard of this , ’ he replied , ‘ they would say you were a traitor .
15 In his earlier years he could counsel priests to celibacy and doubters to Catholic dogma with almost papal infallibility , untroubled by a fiance 's feelings or a questioner 's uncertainties .
16 Whether it is the purchaser 's accountants or the vendor 's accountants who prepare the first draft , the other party 's accountants should have access to their working papers if the rules are properly negotiated .
17 In front of the all-seeing eye of the TV camera , he did not appear to have a firm grasp of America 's problems or a clear understanding of where he wanted to go .
18 Production was a good in itself and therefore not to be held accountable for industry 's wastes or the ill-health of workers and their families .
19 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
20 The implications are , firstly , that civil society at whatever scale ( the ‘ community ’ scale as represented by Castells 's studies or the scale of the home as represented by Pahl and Saunders ) is for many people a setting within which a degree of identity can indeed emerge , albeit in complex and highly diverse ways .
21 Thus , in the US insider trading may be defined as trading in an issuer 's securities ( or communicating or ‘ tipping ’ ) while in possession of material non-public information relating to the issuer 's securities or the market for those securities .
22 I never had anything to do with the Co-op Women 's Guilds or the Labour Party .
23 Where the claimant company 's profits or the amounts available for surrender as group relief by a surrendering company have not been ascertained , the profits to be covered and/or the amount(s) claimed may be given as an estimate to the best of the claimant 's ability .
24 This is something which will be subject to negotiation with the landlord and an appropriate amendment can be made to the guarantor 's covenants or a proviso added .
25 All you have to do is gently move all your joints , several times , one after the other ; carefully stretch and then tense your muscles ; breathe deeply , but not too deeply , and invigorate your body by massaging it with your hands , someone else 's hands or a rough towel .
26 Something the West Germans or Uncle 's boys or the French could n't do .
27 The advantage of such a scheme is that , as it does not involve a transfer of the target 's shares or an assignment of any interest in them , no stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax is payable .
28 The thousands of miles of new hedgerows in the Midland countryside , when they came to full growth after a generation , added enormously to the bird population , especially with the extermination of the larger hawks and kites as pests , a process that is abundantly recorded in the church-wardens ' accounts or the field-reeves ' books of Midland villages .
29 Examination of sentencing in either the magistrates ' courts or the Crown Court on their own may also be misleading .
30 Olivetti says it does n't expect its newest machine , MIPS ' ARCsystems or the rest of the ACE consortium 's MIPS offerings to have any real impact on the market for the next two or three years , leaving Intel Corp 's dynasty intact for some time to come .
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