Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [coord] that " in BNC.

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1 Your directors consider that employees at all levels should be encouraged to identify their interests with those of the Company 's shareholders and that this objective can be furthered by providing means for employees to become shareholders themselves .
2 Editors invented elaborate textual corruptions to explain this , claiming for instance that Shakespeare had written two different versions of Brutus 's reactions and that the text used for the 1623 Folio ( where the play first appeared ) had mistakenly copied them both .
3 Explained that I had no power to do this without your authority but would be glad to know Tolbukhin 's views and that if they coincided with mine I would ask you officially .
4 In seeking to escape from this conclusion it was submitted in argument that the reasoning of the judgment did not show , or show sufficiently , that Thorpe J. had given due weight to W. 's wishes and that accordingly he had misdirected himself .
5 Please pray that the Lord would heal Joel 's ears and that the family would continue to know the Lord 's blessings as they serve Him out in Brazil .
6 But in the early summer of 1986 review panels at MIT and at Tufts ( which was in the process of hiring Dr Imanishi-Kari ) both concluded that the paper 's main finding was not affected by Dr O'Toole 's criticisms and that no published corrections were required .
7 At the next meeting , Mr E almost casually mentioned that he had been trying out one or two of last week 's ideas and that Dave seemed quite responsive to him this week .
8 They were aware of the plaintiff 's difficulties and that the price was too low .
9 Smith 's job is to make people see he could care less , can do something about Britain 's problems and that his words are worth more than those of Johnny Devaluation .
10 The all-party talks on Oct. 12 proved inconclusive , and on Oct. 29 the SLFP withdrew its support for such talks , claiming that it had lost confidence in the government 's will to solve the country 's problems and that none of the opposition proposals had been put into effect .
11 This clearly has to be remedied by repeated reminders that change can only be brought about by the counsellee 's efforts and that consequently , the only part that the counsellor can play is to help decide what is to be done , how , and when .
12 I am pleased to be able to tell you that I have now received your referee 's comments and that the result of your medical assessment was satisfactory .
13 Then he remembered Wittisham was one of Emma Pryde 's portégés and that Emma was not known for encouraging entirely vacuous young men .
14 The , the erm conservative tends to believe that the free market should set people 's wages and that the supply and demand of labour and the number of people looking for jobs in an industry will affect the level that the wages reach .
15 Monique filed for divorce in 1974 and at the proceedings in October 1976 , she told the court that Rachid ‘ was a man who did not seem to have any control of his emotions ’ ; that he believed ‘ women are not men 's equals and that women are servants to men ’ .
16 Does he accept that there has been a cut in the TEC 's budgets and that many are expressing concern about meeting his guarantees as a result ?
17 It was only some years later that Jacques learned of the Board 's initiatives and that it had failed because members of the county council had been deeply suspicious of the radicalism associated with liberal adult education in the industrial areas of the county .
18 ( a ) conducted in a lawful and orderly manner such that no nuisance or annoyance is caused to the University or others lawfully on the University 's premises and that the University 's name or standing is not brought into disrepute .
19 It is reasonable to accept the view that there is a limit to a supervisor 's capabilities and that the span of control should therefore be limited .
20 The FRED proposes that warrants are credited to shareholders ' funds and that a gain is recognised in the statement of total recognised gains and losses when a warrant lapses unexercised .
21 Some are still concerned that they will have to take on juniors ' duties and that abandoning firms will damage juniors ' training and patients ' continuity of care .
22 Governors need to make sure that information about the school is available in the local library , welfare clinics and doctors ' surgeries and that all local community groups are invited to school functions .
23 Burlington , Massachusetts-based Bachman Information Systems Inc warns that it expects revenues for its third fiscal quarter to Aprch 31 to be below analysts ' expectations and that the operating loss for the quarter will also be greater than financial market expectations — it notes that some analysts had forecast revenues of about $10m .
24 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
25 They must , therefore , ensure that the choreographic lines in their design flow through and round the centre of their dancers ' bodies and that limbs and heads move in true coordination .
26 As late as 5 June , the candidates for knighthood at the impending coronation included a number of Hastings ' men and that this was in response to Hastings ' own wishes is suggested by the fact that most were not subsequently knighted at Richard 's coronation .
27 As late as 5 June , the candidates for knighthood at the impending coronation included a number of Hastings ' men and that this was in response to Hastings ' own wishes is suggested by the fact that most were not subsequently knighted at Richard 's coronation .
28 He had no doubt it was one of the verderers ' horses and that it was dying ; indeed , even as he watched it the spasmodic movements seemed weaker and less purposeful .
29 I do hope the members will recognise that the service has not be sitting on its laurels er between inspectors ' reports but that we have been modelling on one quarterly to er correct any omissions with respect to boundary or to make the necessary improvements in the service erm as , as recommended by the inspect and supported by members .
30 The Environment Committee and its staff would ensure that the promoters could not interfere with the consultants ' conclusions and that the consultants , during the preparation of the report , had consulted local authorities and environmental agencies such as HMIP or the NRA , or other agencies .
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